While browsing the Halloween countdown at the blog, “Lost in Schlock,” I found a link to a fan-made film showing the Gremlins interrupting a “video on demand” (VOD) showing of Gremlins 2: The New Batch. You see, the theatrical version of that movie had a segment where the Gremlins took over the projection booth of the theater and stopped the movie. Then Hulk Hogan showed up to stop them so the film could continue. For the home video version, they replaced that with a bit where it looked like your VCR was messing up due to the Gremlins. Instead of Hogan showing up again, John Wayne had to make them knock it off. So the idea behind the fan film is what would happen if Warner Brothers took the same approach when preparing the film for VOD showings. You can see the video, along with a behind-the-scenes video, here.
I’ve also discovered that, according to the Gremlins novelization, the Mogwai/Gremlins were genetically engineered by aliens! This site offers more details on the matter.
But wait, it gets weirder! In Germany, there’s a Gremlins ride that features guest appearances by Alf. Yes, that Alf. I rank it right up there with Hello Kitty’s appearance in a Godzilla motion simulator ride.
UPDATE: WackyWeazle has uploaded some videos of the Gremlins ride featuring Alf into YouTube, with this one being my favorite: