[Etsy.com’s tagline is “Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade.” Coincidentally, there’s a lot of spooky on Etsy, and each Tuesday, we highlight one of the sellers. If you’re looking to spruce up your look, redecorate your tomb or get a gift for that special something in your afterlife, Etsy.com is a place for spooky econo.]
Corso Studio (http://www.etsy.com/shop/CorsoStudio)
Witch Hat Necklace
For this week’s Tuesday uEtsy, we bring you the finer metal jewelry from Corso Studio. A maker of grand pendants, necklaces and earrings, Corso Studio has for you a wide range of items to wear on your wrist, around your neck and close to your heart.
I Love Brains Zombie braaains that is Fast Free Shipping
Let us not forget brains, and this piece declares your commitment to the organ – though your interest in the grey matter may not be strictly medicinal (or ethical.) We won’t assume. With a green brain, two hearts (in case you need a spare) and a blade with blood of lovely green, this wonderful necklace has it all. The radioactive isotope* (*not radioactive) evens out the piece. Want to startle someone with green for St. Patrick’s Day in a way they aren’t expecting? Here you go.
Human Creepy Big Toe Necklace Free fast Shipping
Perhaps you’re more for a podal-centered individual, eschewing brainstems for insteps. Or, perhaps you’ve decided that having a rabbit’s foot is too cruel to animals for your tastes and find that something on equal footing (no pun attended) with yourself. The Human Creepy Big Toe Necklace will bring you good luck or, at least, something to use to scratch lottery tickets or use to hitchhike. Thumbs are so two centuries ago.
You Staked my Heart Lovers 2 pc Necklace set
Speaking of the 1800’s, perhaps you’re an undying blight mocking the face of the creator, a scorn of man and devourerof all hope. And you have a hot date. What do you want to give them that will mean something more than a typical gift?
Flowers, unlike you, die. And chocolate doesn’t really work if you’re going to be the bane of your lover’s species. How about a piece of interlocking jewelry that says ‘I trust you enough to give you the methods to finally destroy me and restore hope to your fetid race, only because I love you.’ Better than a fruit arrangement, if you ask us.
Flurry of Bats Vampire theme Necklace Free fast Shipping
Perhaps you hold yourself at a minimalist-level. You think that a restrained hand is one that is graceful and classy. While some might mark their arms with full sleeves of macabre scenes from the minds of many nameless devils, you opt for the right kind of clothing and a small gesture that subtly says “I’m the real deal.” Corso Studio has for you this Flurry of Bats necklace. Simple. Elegant. Just the right kind of accessory to raise concern and fear in the hearts of your enemies.
Bride of Frankenstein goth Necklace with 2 inch pendant
Corso Studio offers a wide selection and this spotlight hasn’t touched on all that is available at their store. Pendants advertising your mental instability, your take-no-prisoner-I’m-a-woman attitude and even pendants made to demonstrate support for our men and women in the armed forces. The above, showcasing the iconic Bride of Frankenstein, is a fine display of the overall quality that Corso Studio offers for you.
Head over to their Etsy Store and take a look at the incredible selection. We’ll be here, waiting for you to return in time for the next Tuesday uEtsy.