I’m Back! (Let’s Do The Time Warp Again)

As faithful readers are already aware, June was a rough month for me. Two lengthy articles had to go on the back burner and my computer’s untimely death set back both my GdL and real-life responsibilities, so much so that I had to spend all of July (and some of August) catching up on everything. As you can imagine, this played hell with my site duties and I had to use my time warp powers to put everything in their proper place. But since this messed up how the new updates appeared, I thought it best to create a quick guide to the articles in question.

Lovecraftian Audio a Go-Go:

Special Order
H.P. Lovecraft Radio Hour Volume 1

It should also be noted that I recently made a correction to the Special Order review, so you should check it out even if you read it when it originally came out.

For all of you who already ready those articles, here’s some more time warp fun from SaturnProduction:

Oh, and remember those articles I had to put on the back burner? Keep your eyes peeled in September, as that’s when I hope to have “The King In Yellow” and “Music to Game By” ready and posted.

1 pings

  1. […] originally wanted to complete my entries for February and link back to them in a post similar to this before doing my entries for March, but given how March is almost over, I thought it best to simply […]

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