October 2012 archive

Haunted Attraction Review Websites

Spooky Magic Tricks

As much fun as they are, your average Halloween party tends to follow the exact same routine. You watch some horror movies, wear costumes and eat a lot of candy and Halloween-themed foods. There might be some games and the telling of ghost stories, or perhaps even a trip through a homemade haunted house in …

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New Wave Halloween

I was listening to spooky music long before I started up 6ftplus, the podcast of spooky music and more. Specifically, I tried going an entire October in 2006 with listening to nothing but horror-themed music. It didn’t work; I had to get some non-horror music into my system after three weeks because my tolerance was …

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More Printable Prop Labels

While assembling last year’s collection of free spooky printable labels for various poisons and potions, it seems that I missed a few links. Okay, scratch that. I missed a LOT of other free printable labels suitable for Halloween. To correct this mistake, I have assembled the following collection of links (and the above image): Frankie’s …

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AHoD Fun Size: Shadow Windhawk of DIEMONSTERDIE

A Handful of Dirt usually asks a person five questions they wouldn’t normally expect or receive in any other credible interview. But since it’s Halloween, we’re offering a FUN SIZE version where we ask one Halloween question from the Serendipiter Bag o’InquiryTM.           Shadow Windhawk is the the lead guitarist & back up vocalist …

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Haunted Attraction Walkthroughs

In the late 90’s, the only way to get a feel for what a haunted attraction was like was to either sort through photo galleries online or to read lengthy written descriptions with pictures. But as streaming video technology got better and the price of digital cameras went down as time went on, filmed tours …

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Thinking about Halloween 2012

It’s two days before October when I write this. Tonight, I’m headed out to Otto’s Shrunken Head to see the Tombstone Brawlers and hang with the monsters in an event that waves good-bye to September. (The Vibrators are also playing elsewhere but free show+drinks > show w/ticket + drinks in my cash-strapped state.) Come Monday, when …

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