H.P. Brickcraft Strikes Back!

It’s been quite awhile since I last looked at the world of H.P. Lovecraft-inspired Lego creations and boy, has the amount of material gone up since then! I was first clued in on the matter while browsing on Facebook, where I found an awesome Lego house with tentacles bursting out of it. It wasn’t too long before I found some Lego versions of Cthulhu as well. Here’s an alternate look at that last version of the dread sleeper of R’lyeh.

But the fun doesn’t end there! In addition to captainsmog’s “LegOVECRAFT” Flickr gallery devoted to recreating scenes from Lovecraft’s works, the LovecraftianLEGO YouTube channel offers numerous stop motion animated Lego films inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Here’s one such example:

If you have any Lovecraftian Lego creations, please feel free to send them in. I’d love to showcase them in a future article!

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