We get word here at gravediggerslocal.com about independent horror projects in need of funding. If you have a project that you want us to talk about, contact us at your whim.
IndieGoGo Campaign for MONSTRUM
Knowing that a British-based horror-comedy would draw immediate comparisons to Shaun Of The Dead, filmmakers James J. Powdrill and Jonathan Kemp establish in the first minutes of this promotional video for MONSTRUM that this is more a horror movie with comedic elements. What drew me into the project is the structure of five individuals whose independent stories are tied together by the monster/myth of the movie’s title.
The promotional video shows that Kemp and Powdrill have a good grasp on humor and timing, and that they value the crispness of audio. I understood everything they said, even through their impressive accents and even more impressive facial hair.
Since it’s their first feature film, they’re keeping it cheap. This has the chance to be an Evil Dead of the decade, the starter movie that can open up to greater possibilities. Either that, or it’ll be a fantastic romp that helps keep the independent spirit of creepy monster horror alive in the 21st century.
The IndieGoGo campaign is here. They’re looking to raise 5000 British Pounds in less than two weeks. They need as much help as they can muster, so give if you can. Definitely check out the video below if you need more convincing.