As recently noted by Strange Jason:
“Sup, listener? So, it pains me to have another delay so soon after our last interruption, but the remote corner of the Front Office of Gravediggers Local 16 has broken out in a terrible infestation of goblins. And they’re cool goblins, like, really personable and with interesting point of views on a world that I take for granted. But it’s pretty hard to record and put together a podcast episode, so I got to apologize for ANOTHER week without a program. Sorry.”
In the meantime, check out some of our past October shows:
Episode 14: The Reason For The Season Of The Dead
Episode 40: Into The October Country
Episode 79: …something…something…Halloween
Episode 77: We Can’t Stop Here! This Is October Country!
Plus, our previous Ambience and AtmosFEAR episodes:
Episode 15: Ambience and AtmosFEAR 2011
Episode 41: Ambience and AtmosFEAR 2012
Episode 78: Ambience and AtmosFEAR 2013
If you have any suggestions for artists/bands (or anything else you want more of on the show) please feel free to submit them to CONTACT at 6FTPLUS dot com.
You can find all previous episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.