To quote the description given at the new listing: “Happy Birthday, Gravediggers Local 16. GdL16 turns 10 on Sept. 8. We celebrate with tracks from FORBIDDEN DIMENSION, LUGOSI’S MORPHINE, THE NEVERMORES, THE DEAD NEXT DOOR, HAUNTED GEORGE and more. Monstermatt Patterson plays pin the tail on the Igor in the MONSTERMATT MINUTE, and Kraig Khaos …
September 8, 2018 archive
Sep 08 2018
Happy 10th Birthday, Gravediggers Local 16
Ten Years ago, a post titled “Happy Halloween” popped up on a Blogger site. This meandering post, with its wayward sentence construction, was published as a declaration, that this corner of the Internet would be known as Gravedigger’s Local 16. Who knew that ten years later, this site would still be here? The site would …