Category: Rock

New Wave Halloween

I was listening to spooky music long before I started up 6ftplus, the podcast of spooky music and more. Specifically, I tried going an entire October in 2006 with listening to nothing but horror-themed music. It didn’t work; I had to get some non-horror music into my system after three weeks because my tolerance was …

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The Evil Streaks, TALK TO THE DEAD

The Evil Streaks Talk To The Dead Band: Facebook, Store (Buy the CD here) [Audio:] Those attending the Friday the 13th performance by the Evil Streaks were given a surprise as their first full length, ‘Talk To The Dead,’ was unleashed ahead of schedule. The album is a supernaturally fuelled collection of thirteen songs drenched …

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King Ghidora, “Nameless”

If you listened to the latest episode of the 6’+ podcast, (which you can subscribe to on iTunes or listen to through Stitcher) you heard the song ‘Nameless’ by a band King Ghidora. Taking their name from the Monster Zero antagonist of the Toho/Godzilla mythos, they play surf-space rock heavily influenced by Man…Or Astro-Man?, Dick …

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6’+ Episode 29 is up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “We make way for music from bands who have never been on 6′+. MonsterMatt digs out his Igor during the MonsterMatt Minute and Dr. Gangrene decides to hightail it to the clean living of Switzerland to talk with Marc Stroace of KROKUS for the Metal Morgue. There’s music from KING GHIDORA, The Bloodtypes, The …

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There aren’t many albums that I listen to from start to finish on my first play. I usually stop, do something completely unrelated to the music at hand and, when a significant amount of time has passed, I come back to finish the album, usually restarting it. Or, worse, the music is so bad that …

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6’+ Episode 28 is up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “VHS, Beta, Blu-Ray and DVD. Find them all at your Local Video Store. This episode captures some of the history so that your local store has a future. Metal Morgue has Dr. Gangrene talking with Count Lyle of Ghoultown, and there’s also MonsterMatt’s Minute. Music from The …

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Labretta Suede & the Motel 6, DUMB & DIRTY

Labretta Suede and the Motel 6, Dumb & Dirty Official Site    Let’s face it – there’s a widespread pandemic of men not having any game anymore. I liken it to the advent of modern video gaming, funny enough, most notably with the introduction of the X-Box. Gaming became less an outlet of gamers and …

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Bradley Tatum It’s a Beautiful World Official Site If thirteen random songs were picked from thirteen random CDs off of the thirteen (in reality, ten) shelves I have in my library, the album compiled together would be, odds on, a good representation of my musical interests. It wouldn’t be a complete picture and the styles …

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2011: End of the Year – The Remake…

          The Year 2011 brought us a wide collection of great music from many genres of horror music. It would be pretentious of us here at GdL16 to think that we could pick THE BEST ALBUM OF 2011. And as science has proved, lists are for suckers and shitty music blogs. …

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2011: End of the Year – IN 3-D

          The Year 2011 brought us a wide collection of great music from many genres of horror music. It would be pretentious of us here at GdL16 to think that we could pick THE BEST ALBUM OF 2011. And as science has proved, lists are for suckers and shitty music blogs. …

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2011: End of the Year – PART 2

          The Year 2011 brought us a wide collection of great music from many genres of horror music. It would be pretentious of us here at GdL16 to think that we could pick THE BEST ALBUM OF 2011. And as science has proved, BEST OF lists are for suckers and shitty …

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Of Quasi-Men and Vinyl

If you’ve ever listened to a lo-fi band or musician, it’s the lesser quality that adds to the music’s charm. There’s something endearing about feedback or fuzz, something that is lost when the music is smoothed out, de-loused and returned from the dry-cleaners. However, CDs don’t suck. Personally, I prefer digital music. I like CDs …

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Up Hi? Down low: The Aquabats and growing old.

You’re getting old. Does that scare the hell out of you? It drives Mr. Fallingard to stay up at night. I haven’t lost any sleep over it but I did lose something. You see, there isn’t a lot of music that I avoid. Yes, there are some genres I don’t like. I find that’s an …

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Bad Whoremoans, BAD WHOREMOANS

Bad Whoremoans Bad Whoremoans I avoided certain genres of music for a while because after one or two attempts to get into them, the handful of bands I optioned all sounded the same. Psychobilly was this to me for a while – I just could not get into it because everyone I listened to was …

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The Mermen A Glorious Lethal Euphoria June is a four letter word. June, historically, has been what they call a shit month for me. Nothing outright tragic or catastrophic has come about within that calendar month which is why the yearly dolor that rides in after May is confounding. Outside of some biological or metaphysical …

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The Zombeatles MEAT THE ZOMBEATLES (Purchase HERE) It’s amazing how well it works, since it easily could have gone horribly wrong. The premise is simple enough: take the most legendary rock band of all time and turn them into zombies. However, going half-ass at the project by sprinkling the word “brains” across the lyric sheet …

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