Tag: Classics

The Creepmas That Almost Wasn’t: A Gdl16 Flashback

Merry Creepmas! For those not in the know, Creepmas is a humorous, web-based celebration of Christmas (with a focus on the spooky) during the first thirteen days of December. Why? To strike back at how Christmas keeps encroaching upon Halloween’s domain every year. Having had far to many experiences of stores going into full Christmas …

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Another GdL16 Christmas Flashback

Since you all seemed to enjoy the last Christmas flashback, I thought it would be good to do another installment. So, for your reading pleasure, here are some classic Christmas-related articles from years gone by: Julebukking Winter’s Eve Winter’s Knight Christma(dnes)s A Horrorday Gift We Wish You A Mythos Christmas I’m Gonna Spend My Christmas …

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Gravedigger’s Local 16 Christmas Flashback

Although most of our Christmas content is posted in December, there have been occasions where such articles had to be posted before December rolled around. As a result, they have sadly become under-appreciated. So to remedy the situation, please let this entry act as the Ghost of Christmas Past (of the non-cybernetic variety of course) …

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