[This is going to be a long one.] Providence, Rhode Island was and remains the home of H.P. Lovecraft. It was a town I had been to only once before I ventured north to see the Deadbolt show at Club Hell back in May 2010. The last time that Deadbolt came east was a year …
Tag: Deadbolt
Oct 10 2009
Give a Hoot
Halloween Hootenany Rob Zombie once had a record label and it was AWESOME. Along with the first Ghastly Ones record and a release from The Bomboras, Zombie A-Go-Go records put out one of the best Halloween compilations ever to grace this land – Halloween Hootenany. It’s amazing who’s on this and amazing to think that …
Oct 02 2008
Creepy and Weird
Deadbolt http://www.deadboltband.com Shrunken Head, Cargo/Headhunter Records, 1994 Tiki Man, Cargo/Headhunter Records, 1994 Tijuana Hit Squad, Cargo/Headhunter Records, 1996 Zulu Death Mask, Cargo/Headhunter Records, 1998 Voodoo Trucker, Cargo/Headhunter Records, 1999 Hobo Babylon, Cargo/Headhunter Records, 2002 Haight Street Hippie Massacre: The Best of Deadbolt, Cargo/Headhunter Records, 2003 I Should Have Killed You, Cargo/Headhunter Records, 2005 High recommendation. …