We all know the basic story of how one Victor Frankenstein created a monstrous being. Even those who have never seen a Frankenstein movie can easily summarize the story. However, many who go back and read the original novel by Mary Shelley are shocked at what they find. Contrary to what pop culture says, there …
Tag: Frankenstein
Feb 03 2012
Strange Trip: FRANKENSTEIN (1931)
Frankenstein IMDB Seeing Frankenstein is akin to seeing The Godfather, listening to The Beatles or seeing Hamlet on the stage. These are all the pieces of art that you’re TOLD are great that the priority to actually ENGAGE them is diminished. As a mental deviant, the ‘classics’ were always ‘uncool’ to me. The guy …
Apr 29 2010
Edison’s Frankenstein
Originally debuting as a self-published work in 1996, Edison’s Frankenstein is back in an expanded and updated edition that’s more than double the original’s page count (along with a tie-in DVD-R release of the film). And the timing couldn’t be better, because 2010 marks the 100th anniversary of the original silent Frankenstein film’s release! Author …
Oct 14 2008