Tag: Opinion Piece

Weighing in on Trunk or Treats

I’m pretty sure most people out there already know what a “Trunk or Treat” is. But just in case you don’t, I’ll explain: a “Trunk or Treat” is when children are taken to a specially chosen parking lot (usually at a town hall, church or shopping area) and go from vehicle to vehicle to collect …

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Reminder: Fuck Spirit Halloween

It’s the 9th of October and it’s my annual reminder that Spirit Halloween is a peddler of cheap shit and horribly racist and sexist costumes (and just some downright idiotic ones).  And that’s even before you factor in the allegations of their parent company stocking goods which are claimed to use stolen designs. I mean, …

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Redneck Dracula

Elmo Shropshire (aka Dr. Elmo), the man who inflicted “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” upon the world, seems to have milked Christmas dry and set his sights on Halloween. Sadly, this seems to be a growing trend among those who specialize in Christmas music. Originally appearing as a song on his 2005 “Sings …

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