Tag: Salem

Witch Dungeon Museum

Kim Catrell?

Location: 16 Lynde Street Salem, MA (Directions) Dates/Times: April – Nov: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm (Extended in Oct) (Dates/Times and prices subject to change as years go by) Admission: $8 per adult, $6 per child (4-13) and $7 per senior aged 65 or older. Phone: (978) 741-3570 Website: http://www.witchdungeon.com/witchdungeon.html No, this isn’t the similarly-named …

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Throw back the coffin lid – and RISE!

(or, “Straight out of Massachusetts”) Holy smokes, has it been a year since I last wrote something? Pretty much. Mad props to Weird Jon for keeping this undead account alive and going, even though I foolhardily put a DEAD sign on it. Blah. How I spent Halloween 2008: handing out candy. How I spend the …

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Dracula’s Castle

I bid you velcome...

Location: 59 Wharf Street, Salem, MA (Directions) Dates/Times: October 1-31, 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm (Dates/Times subject to change as years go by) Admission: $8 per adult, $6 per child under age 12. Phone: (978) 745-5888 Website: http://www.draculathecastle.com/draculascastle.html Dracula’s Castle was first haunted attraction I went through when visiting Salem in the late 90’s. With …

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