Nosferatu – Blue Öyster Cult

Not too long ago, a friend made me aware of the fact that Blue Öyster Cult did a song called “Nosferatu” by linking to this video:

Given the massive use of their songs “Don’t Fear the Reaper” and “Godzilla” in countless broadcasts and CD compilations every October, I’m amazed that “Nosferatu” isn’t a Halloween standard.

But those songs aren’t the band’s only horror connections. Not only did they contribute to the soundtrack for Full Moon’s Bad Channels, but they have released songs with names like “The Old Gods Return” and “Monsters.” Even some of their albums have spooky names! Given that I’m only a neophyte fan, I’m sure that hardcore fans of the band can name even more spooky song titles by the band…


    • C. Elam on February 23, 2011 at 3:05 am
    • Reply

    When this popped up, I idly wondered if I was responsible. And lo, I am! :)

    It's funny you mention the Halloween connection, because I *do* own a Halloween CD with "Nosferatu"! It's called Ghastly Grooves, and though a K-tel product, it's all original versions. But I agree that the song is usually overlooked. Such a pity.

    Man, where to begin with BOC? They are possibly one of the nerd-friendliest heavy metal bands that ever existed. Here are a few suggestions (and a couple of links) for horror/SF/fantasy songs:

    *Secret Treaties is my favorite BOC album and it's loaded with this sort of stuff : "Subhuman", "Harvester of Eyes", "Flaming Telepaths", and most of all "Astronomy". I essentially owe a great friendship and collaboration to "Astronomy", so I might be biased.

    *"E.T.I." is from Agents of Fortune (same as "Reaper") and filled with UFOlogy stuff. This sort of theme would be revisited in songs like "Fire of Unknown Origin" and "Take Me Away", but "E.T.I." is the most obvious and vivid.

    *"Tattoo Vampire" and "I Love The Night" are both also connected to vampirism. There may be others.

    *Michael Moorcock co-wrote three BOC songs: "The Great Sun Jester", "Black Blade" (about Elric and Stormbringer!), and "Veteran of the Psychic Wars".

    *Besides the songs already mentioned from it, the album Fire of Unknown Origin also contains songs inspired by the film HEAVY METAL and "Joan Crawford". Why do I lump the latter in with horror? Listen to it, and you'll understand.

    *Its story is too convoluted to explain, but the entire concept album Imaginos is worth seeking out for the bizarre storyline therein.

    *"X-Ray Eyes" from Heaven Forbid explicitly references the Ray Milland movie.

    That should be a good start!

    I'm glad you liked the song. Thanks for reminding me that I've been remiss in discussing BOC on my own blog. Need to fix that one of these days!

    • Atomic Mystery Monster on February 24, 2011 at 10:04 pm
    • Reply

    I was hoping you'd notice this. :)

    Thanks for the info about that K-tel compilation and BOC's other horror/SF/fantasy output. I'll definitely be pouring through all those videos tonight. Oddly enough, I heard that K-tel's been more or less reduced to selling CD-Rs on Amazon these days!

    No need to explain Joan Crawford's connection to horror, given her numerous roles in everything from What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? to Trog. In fact, I always half expect to see her go caveman on Trog, Mommie Dearest-style, whenever I watch that movie…

    I'll be looking forward to reading your BOC articles!

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