Tuesday uEtsy: Niswander Ceramics

[Etsy.com’s tagline is “Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade.” Coincidentally, there’s a lot of spooky on Etsy, and each Tuesday, we highlight one of the sellers. If you’re looking to spruce up your look, redecorate your tomb or get a gift for that special something in your afterlife, Etsy.com is a place for spooky econo.]

Niswander Ceramics (niswanderceramics.etsy.com)
Gulko was visiting today. He wanted to drop off some invitations to his annual Octoberganza, which runs around his birthday sometime near the 13th.  It’s not really Oktoberfest but there is similar amounts of drinking and plenty of grilling going on. Gulko busts out a cask of some specialty brew for the adults with birch and root beer for the kids.
“You both should come along,” he said to Weird Jon and Strange Jason, both hanging about as they prepare for the upcoming season. They seem to get along with Gulko, since everyone seems to get along with Gulko. Can’t say it’s that hard, since Anthony Gulko’s a jolly type, one who is very content with just a few things in life. We’re grateful for him and we look forward to when he visits. Give the man a good amount of sandwiches and a full mug and he’ll be pleased for days. If he knew of Niswander Ceramics, he would probably special order some steins for the Octoberganza. 

Nevermore Ravens on Wrought Iron Fence Stein

Laurie J. Niswander produces some rather fantastic pieces of ceramic steins and mugs. Like the crow on the Raven on the Iron fence above, Niswander has some crisp and clean designs that express a haunting, spooky sense with effective use of imagery.

Jolly Roger Stein

Similar to that, you can find this Jolly Roger stein, expressing how much of a corporate pirate you are or how your grog will kick the butt of PBR on any day of the week.  Bust out this Niswander Ceramics badboy around the coffeemaker at work and people will probably speak to you with a more audible tone of respect. Or they’ll say ‘arrrrr’ a lot, which in our eyes, is a win/win scenario.

Franken’ Stein

In addition, you can find mugs with as much character as Gulko. Sure, Frankie’s Stein here won’t be belting out some classic big band singing when you fill it up with some Belgian ale like you would with Gulko, but this mug would be easier to take home after you’ve had a few. No electricity needed.

Bitty Batty Mug

You’ll find a lot of characters at Niswander’s store, like this bitty monster mug. His face holds a surprise, a mystery – does he contemplate mischief or the great puzzling enigmas of the universe? Or is it the face of a monster who just farted in your hot cider? Perhaps all three or none at all.

Jolly Roger Stein

On top of fantastic mugs and incredible steins, Niswander Ceramnics offer some ceramic jack o’lanterns for those who don’t want to waste a pumpkin (or perhaps are too far from a pumpkin patch.) This jaunty jack makes for a great decoration that can be saved much longer than any rotting gourd. Consider that if you’re allergic to vegetation or hate the feel of pumpkin guts on your hands.

Check out Niswander Ceramics Etsy site here and their website here. See what you can see and make sure you have your stein ready for Octoberganza. And be sure you’re back here next week for another Tuesday uEtsy. 

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