As a sequel of sorts to an earlier post by Weird Jon, I thought I would compile a list of websites I enjoy. Well, with the exception of the ones already listed on the sidebar…
Cold Fusion Reviews – One of my favorite bad movie review websites. I love the comments given by the Hieratic Head of Ezra Pound at the end of each review.
Digital Monster Island – The best place to go for reviews of giant monster movies on DVD.
Squonkamatic’s IMDB and Amazon reviews – Interesting reviews from one of my Latarnia forum pals.
British Horror Movies – “Dey’re Briddish movies – I can tell by de way dey tawk!”
SciFi Japan – Incredibly in-depth reviews and news on all things Japanese science fiction and horror. The articles on the Ultraman and Space Giants legal controversies are must-reads!
The HMA – The HMA, or Halloween Mask Association, has an amazing gallery of monster masks.
Haunted Attraction Magazine – The online version of the famous haunted house/hayride/etc. magazine. Includes free article uploads!
Hauntworld – Another great magazine devoted to haunted attractions. This site holds a special place in my heart due to it having the the article that inspired my user name. – Sideshow gaff (prop) manufacturer Doug Higley’s website, complete with pictures and user testimonials. The “atomic fish” is very similar to the “atomic mystery monster” attraction noted above.
Cinematic Treasures – A website devoted to the noble goal of preserving classic movie theaters.
MonsterTalk – At long last, a skeptical cryptozoology podcast!
Orgone Research – Don’t let the name fool you, this website has nothing to do with serious research of that junk science. Instead, it offers a variety of articles and musings by my JREF forum buddy Matt Crowley. The debunking of so-called “Bigfoot dermal ridges” is not to be missed.
Dr.Hermes Reviews and Retro-Scans Daily – The good doctor offers a wide variety of movie and literary reviews, including plenty of horror stuff (of course) on his website, while his Livejournal offers scans of posters, covers, ads, and more!
Atomic Monsters – No, this didn’t make the list due to the name. The clever, well-written reviews are what won me over. Fast connection speeds and Flash are a must for viewing the site.
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[…] a guy with a wide range of interests, simply one listing of links to websites I enjoy just isn’t […]