The Casket Girls, “Sleepwalking”

Since it’s Women in Horror Recognition Month, I finally have a way to introduce the subject of today’s article. Seriously, I had no idea how to properly start this article (despite having the rest of it finished). It’s probably because it’s so hard for me to pinpoint just why I love the song “Sleepwalking.” From the opening which vaguely reminds me of the theme music for Ugly Americans to its metaphor for death as a big black dog, I don’t know how to properly describe it, other than gushing over how fascinating it is and how I instantly fell in love with the song as soon as I heard it. I should just just show you the music video for it, courtesy of Graveface Records:

According to the video’s description on YouTube, it was filmed using a broken VHS camcorder and I think it perfectly suits the offbeat nature of their work. “Sleepwalking” (which is also the name of their 2012 debut album) also demonstrates the overall style of the Casket Girls: their music isn’t overtly horror themed, but there’s just enough touches of spooky stuff to keep their name from seeming like a non sequitur. And if you like the song as much as I do, then you’ll love this free download of it.

But who are the Casket Girls? According to their official Facebook page, the group was formed when one Ryan Graveface came across sisters Phaedra and Elsa Greene singing while he was out for a walk and immediately knew he had to work with them. Combining his music writing skills with their original lyrics, the trio has released several albums of excellent “eerie-pop.”

It’s also worth noting that not only is Ryan Graveface the founder of the group’s label, Graveface Records, he he also has performed in bands like Dreamend and Black Moth Super Rainbow, but he is also part of the Marshmallow Ghosts! If you listen to this free download of “The Attic,” you can see early hints of the musical style Graveface would bring to the Casket Girls (along with getting to read the greatest description of Halloween I’ve ever seen).

The Casket Girls have recently released their newest album, True Love Kills the Fairy Tale. I highly recommend picking it up. I also recommend visiting their official website and swinging by Graveface Records’ retail store if you’re ever in Savannah, Georgia.

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