March Into News

Did Strange Jason’s review of Valley of the Robots whet your appetite? Want more? Here’s a (NSFW) preview:

These puppets ain’t for kids! Amazingly, that was the tamest of the three trailers available at the official PuppeTose Youtube channel. You can order a copy (and find more PuppeTose madness) here.

We’re planning on interviewing real gravediggers. Please send all leads and questions to gravediggerslocal AT gmaiL DOT com. Don’t forget to let us know if you want us to use name (real or web) during the interview!

Horror bands! Strange Jason wants to talk to you. In a band? Know a band? Email strangejason AT gravediggerslocal DOT com.

We’ve heard a rumor that This TV plays a horror movie every Saturday night. It seems to hold true for tonight, as they’re showing the original A Bucket of Blood at 11:30 PM EST. The channel is owned by MGM and Weigel Broadcasting. Weigel owns WCIU, the home of Svengoolie. HINT HINT THIS TV!

Speaking of MGM, they’re streaming a bunch of their movies at their website. Similarly, Troma is offering free streaming films on both Youtube and Hulu.

Indywood Films is raising funds for the upcoming Invasion of the Not Quite Dead by selling promotional packs and putting the names of buyers in the credits. See the official site and Twitter feed for more information.

Mark your calendars, because Record Store Day 2010 falls on April 17th this year. Visit the official site or Twitter feed for further details.

We learned about Record Store Day from the Newbury Comics newsletter. All of our New England readers should sign up at their website as well, as they give out a lot of great news and coupons. The notifications on one day only “flash sales” are also handy. They once had one for 20% off any vampire movie DVD, with an extra 10% off for coming in dressed like a vampire! Wearing all black and paper fangs (easily hidden in your pocket for “regular shopping”) is easily worth a 30% discount. They also mention the sales on…you guessed it…their Twitter feed.

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