More Free Horror Movie Commentaries

It’s been quite some time since I last offered some links to free horror movie commentaries here. Thankfully, I’ve since found several more free commentaries to make up for it. Although these are all completely fan-made (as opposed to the last batch that featured cast and crew members), they’re all still well worth listening to.

Our first two commentaries come from one of my favorite websites, Bleeding Skull. Their first one is for House of Death (available on VHS and DVD) while their second is for the (currently) VHS-only Iced. I should note that I use the terms “first” and “second” loosely, but you’ll have to click the links to understand why.

It’s no secret that I love The Spoony Experiment. So you had to have suspected that any post about commentaries would include a link to Spoony’s hilarious MST3K-style commentaries on more recent cinematic fare. The fine folks at DVD podBLAST also offer similar commentary on the worst of modern films.

One of these days, we here at Gravedigger’s Local 16 would love to get together to do some downloadable commentaries, which would ideally contain a roughly equal mix of facts and jokes. Sadly, several factors are currently blocking our dream of doing so, but Strange Jason’s first few “Strange Trips” do give something of an insight of what one would be like.

As always, Gravedigger’s Local 16 is not to be held responsible for anything that may occur (be it good or bad) as a result of downloading from any links given here. Attempt at your own discretion. Blah blah blah…

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  1. […] figures. Almost immediately after I posted “More Free Horror Movie Commentaries,” I kept finding more and more free downloadable commentaries. So much so that I’ve decided to […]

  2. […] Horror Movie Commentaries More Free Horror Movie Commentaries Still More Free Horror Movie Commentaries Even More Free Horror Movie […]

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