Trigger Warning: Pearl Jam
Missed an update. Surprise, surprise.
Can’t say I’m a big fan of Pearl Jam. I like a couple songs off of ‘Yield’ and I hear ‘No Code’ is a good enough album, though I used to have an ex who used that album name as a username on a old internet comedy forum. Girl was crazy and eventually got married on Halloween, which is a Cardinal Sin in my heathen book of values.
The days are starting to blur. It gets dark so early you think the Sun decided to punch out half-way through his shift, hoping that the all the lights people have strewn up will cover the rest of the work. Or perhaps the sun figures that he’s not needed, what with all the competition.
Maybe with the mammalian habits, there’s an urge to hibernate and let the days mix together. It doesn’t help that they weather has been the same for the last week. Hours pass by faster than they should. One of the problems with this time of year is that there’s less incentive to move. It’s easier to stay an extra hour in bed.
I remember a few Christmases where I woke up at 6am, before everyone, and stayed awake in hopes that the others would get up to join me. I never bothered anyone in hopes of rousing them, and as the years went on, my attitude changed where I was usually the last one to get out of bed. Without the childish glee at the concept of getting STUFF, the day doesn’t have that incentive to rise up before 9pm. I think the song that Pearl Jam released captures this feeling, though I’m sure it could be more precise if they added me shouting LEAVE ME ALONE in the background.