Tag: 13 Days of Christmas

13 Days: Almost Made It

  There won’t be an update from me tomorrow. I’ll be travelling, the first of two trips this month. I like visiting other places but the work of getting there drives a slow metaphorical nail into my left temple. Perhaps that’s one of my main issues: I want to be in Prague but I don’t …

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13 Days: Christmas List

Everyone I know is getting gift cards this year. Nobody gave me a Christmas list this year so in lieu of all those missing, here’s mine: Christmas List I want less remakes. At this point, it all seems like pandering to an older audience that can’t be impressed or attracting a newer audience that isn’t …

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13 Days: Why Didn’t You Put Up That Xmas Tree?

I’ve been listening to this song on repeat for the last hour. The song is less than two minutes long. You can do the math. If there was egg nog in the apartment, I’m pretty sure I’d be drinking to it. There’s something just powerful in the line “Are you gonna fuck it up this …

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13 Days: My View From Here

  This is the view from where I work. While I would like to say that sporadic writing for a blog and curating a weekly podcast of monster music would be a way to make a living, truth is I have to take my alter-ego out in the world and do office work. Lately, I’ve …

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13 Days: Let Me Sleep

Trigger Warning: Pearl Jam Missed an update. Surprise, surprise. Can’t say I’m a big fan of Pearl Jam. I like a couple songs off of ‘Yield’ and I hear ‘No Code’ is a good enough album, though I used to have an ex who used that album name as a username on a old internet …

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13 Days: Pod Nog

What am I doing this weekend? Going to try to find Black Christmas so I can watch it. It’s one of those I haven’t gotten around to seeing yet. I make no bones about it that I am not the most educated man when it comes to horror. I consider myself a novice in movies. It …

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13 Days: Last Minute Assassination

I’m busy putting together the next episode of the podcast. Much akin to last minute shopping, I’m rushing around. So here’s a live version of the song I mentioned two posts ago:  

13 Days: Christmas Trees

[audio:http://gdl16.com/audio/Carol.mp3] It wasn’t my choice, but I grew up in the Northeast corner of the Empire State, far beyond the cities that jump to mind when someone says they’re from New York. Whenever I talk to someone about the North Country versus New York City, I champion the city’s iron grip on keeping trees in …

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13 Days: Get Angry

On the surface, there’s not much to The Angry Snowmans schtick – punk and hardcore songs done up as Christmas carols. But it’s a lot harder than one might think. The fact that they covered SNFU’s “Broken Toy” makes me happy to no end. But the reason that they deserve your attention is that they managed to …

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13 Days of Christmas: Cancel Christmas

Day One Christmas and I have an interesting relationship, the way that gasoline and I have an interesting relationship. I don’t own a car anymore, but there’s usually a time, once a year, when I have to rent a van or drive a friend. Much like Christmas, I don’t think about gasoline throughout the year …

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