Royalty Free Music For Haunted Attractions III

To further rehash what I said the last time I covered this topic, royalty free music is music which can be used in a haunted attraction without requiring you to pay every time it gets used. In ALL of the following cases, a haunt owner only has to pay for the initial purchase of the music and its royalty free nature does NOT apply to use on in radio broadcasts, films, YouTube videos and the like (unless noted otherwise). But even if they allow use of their work on YouTube, doing so could still result in copyright bots getting your account’s monetization getting turned off. Also, be sure to ask before modifying the audio. Many of the artists I’ve spoken with asked me note how people shouldn’t sell, distribute, etc. any tracks. I have divided the artists into three categories based on their policies for royalty free use. The order of my listing them is based solely on the order I learned about their policies for each category. To paraphrase Audio Zombie Sound, it’s always a good idea to get permission in writing from the artist! That’s advice so good I’m going to edit it into the previous installments! Please do not hesitate to contact the artist if you have any other questions about using their work:

Registration and Public (and Web) Display Required:

Alec Sullivan’s “Night of Spooks” – All tracks from his Night of Spooks albums (and only those albums) can be played in your haunted attraction without having to pay royalties. But you must give public credit at your attraction, credit him (and link to the Night of Spooks Bandcamp page) on your haunt’s website and contact him with details on how you’ll be using the music.

Registration Required:

Icky Ichabod – You must contact Icky Ichabod to get a release from PRO collection. Providing credit is required if you use his music on your attraction’s website, but is optional if you only use it at the attraction. These terms apply to all Icky Ichabod albums.


Pepperhead Studios – Currently offers a 91 minute collection of sounds performed in an actual church featuring the mangled moaning/screaming voices of Americana duo Fricknadorable. Home/family haunts may purchase the tracks online via Bandcamp and use royalty free. All other businesses should contact Pepperhead Studios to discuss reasonable licensing rates. Crediting them is optional.

Michael Oster – Noncommercial home haunts can play Zombies in the Basement! and any of his thunder albums on a royalty free basis upon purchase. Those seeking use in commercial haunted attractions (and any broadcast or YouTube-related use) should contact him to discuss his reasonable licensing rates. Providing credit is not required, but is always appreciated.

Sinful Audio – Providing credit is optional, but please don’t take credit for creating it. Also, all speakers and amps sold by Sinful Audio come with a royalty free sound library of the buyer’s choice at no extra cost.

Audio Zombie Sound – Purchasing album(s) or track(s) is all you need to do to get royalty free use for your haunt, as providing credit is optional. However, you would own all the rights if you commission a custom track. They are willing to promote your haunted attraction on social media if you ask.

Mark Harvey – Using his work in your haunt on a royalty free basis is as easy as purchasing album(s) or track(s). Although providing credit is optional, it is also greatly appreciated.

In A World Music/Goes To Eleven Media – All of their haunted albums (or individual tracks from said albums) can be used royalty free if purchased. These albums currently include: Hallows’ Eve, Hallow’s Eve Vol 2: The Horror, Hallow’s Eve Vol 3: Dead of Night, Worldwide Horror, Halloween Horror: Exhumed, Haunted Nursery Rhymes and Halloween and Horror Sound Effects: Creatures. Giving credit is optional, but welcome.

Even if the artist whose work you are using does not require you to provide any credit, I suggest you do so anyway. A seated dummy holding a sign or a specially carved Jack O’Lantern are two visually appealing ways to promote your use of their work. Some haunted attractions avoid situations where they would have to provide credit because they feel it would take patrons out of the experience. But you can actually use that to your advantage to scare people. Set it up so that when people enter your haunt, they have to go through a dimly lit hallway with a small spotlight shining on the corner wall where another hallway begins. They will be drawn to the spotlight and see a sign crediting your source of music. This will make them let their guards down and get scared when the sign turns out to be a disguised drop panel! On top of that, they’ll flee directly into the hallway leading further into your haunt and create enough screams to build anticipation among the people waiting outside! The Monster Page of Halloween Project Links has numerous tutorials on making drop panels (and other useful props).

Gravedigger’s Local 16 is not to be held responsible for the content on or anything that may occur (be it good or bad) as a result of visiting any links on the above sites (or constructing a project that’s detailed on them). This also applies to the suggestions made here. Attempt at your own discretion. Nobody here is a lawyer and all legal matters discussed above are done so in the simplest, bare bones way. Consult a lawyer whenever possible. This is merely a collection of policy details from artists and not an endorsement.

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