Tag: video game

Toxic Turtle

Tomorrow will mark Gamera’s 50th anniversary since the release of his first film in 1965. It would be tempting to celebrate by sharing the trailer for the upcoming Gamera movie, but I want to discuss something truly special about the character in honor of this occasion. More specifically, Gamera’s early appearances in American pop culture. …

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Gamera 2000

As was the case the last time I tied in Gamera’s birthday in with Thanksgiving, the dates still don’t match up just yet (I’m late by two days). But seeing as how I’ve seemingly exhausted all horror-related Thanksgiving content, it’s turtle time. As you can tell by the title of today’s entry, this post is …

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The Chzo Mythos

Faithful readers of the site should be very familiar with the humorous work of Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw. However, what they might not realize is that he has also created a lot of serious, downright scary content. Despite the humorous tone, the story in that last link loosely ties into the subject of today’s article. While …

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Halloween Harry’s Alien Carnage

Ah, the golden age of shareware. As a video game crazy kid, shareware was a big part of my life. As I did not have an internet connection at the time, a friend of mine from up the road would download games onto a disk and bring them over to my house so we could …

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