More Fear For Your Ears

As the original Fear For Your Ears was such a rousing success, I’ve decided to once again dip into my collection of free audio drama/audio book links in order to share with you:

Those of you who enjoyed my article on Neil Gaiman’s “A Study In Emerald” should be very interested in the free audio book version that’s read by Gaiman himself!

The Drabblecast has a numerous short fiction audios, including the humorous “In Search of the Mongolian Death Worm.”

H.P. Lovecraft fans will definitely enjoy the numerous audio dramas presented by the Cthulhu Podcast. Speaking of Lovecraft, BBC Radio 4 has done an amazing audio drama version of The Shadow Over Innsmouth.

Glow in the Dark Radio offers original serialized audiobooks while The Wonder Fears is a both funny and freaky audio drama take-off on a certain show starring Fred Savage.

Although the Wireless Theatre Company is best known for comedic audio dramas, they have been known to produce ones with darker themes, such as: “The Grimm of Stottesden Hall,” “Medusa on the Beach,” “Phonophobia” and “The Strange Case of Springheel’d Jack.” is kind of like the Youtube of the audio drama world. In order to help narrow things down, why not take a look at the work of horror fan Joseph Vitaliano Jr?

Those of you who read my review of Sticks are undoubtedly familiar with the work of ZBS. If you head over to their official Tumblr page, you can hear samples of their work, including excerpts from 90-Second Cellphone Chillin’ Theatre.

While ZBS is best known for their 3D audio productions, they aren’t the only ones to utilize that technology. The UK-based 3DHorrorfi are the most recent company to dabble in the realm of 3D sound and are offering a free download of their adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado” on their website!

Fantom Films is offering a free download of the first part of their audio book adaptation of Time Hunter: The Cabinet of Light. As you may have guessed, it’s from the “Time Hunter” series of novels. What you might not have known is that the series originally started as a licensed Doctor Who novel called The Cabinet of Light and was later spun off into its own series when the publishing company lost the Doctor Who license. Thanks to the BBC’s policy of letting writers for the show keep ownership of characters they created, the series was still able to include some creatures from the series. That said, the audio book had to eliminate all references to the character of Doctor Who due to licensing issues.

Would you like to be in your very own audio adventure? If you have Realplayer, you can experience the interactive Terror T.R.A.X adventures “Track of the Vampire” and “Track of the Werewolf.” Be warned that these were intended for older listeners.

Wikisource has a wide variety of free audio books, including “The Signal-Man,” “The Diary of a Madman,” “The Masque of Red Death” and “Ex Oblivione.”

On The Edge Of Darkness is an audio drama series intended for mature listeners that features a group of survivors desperately trying to fend of zombie hoards. Fans of that type of story should also enjoy We’re Alive, The Zombie Podcast.

Graphic Audio, the company behind Batman: The Stone King, has a section where you can download hour-long samples from their various audio dramas, like The Lightbringer Trilogy 1: The Black Prism, Beyond the Blue Moon and Dante Valentine.

As always, Gravedigger’s Local 16 is not to be held responsible for anything that may occur (be it good or bad) as a result of downloading or streaming from any links given here. Attempt at your own discretion. Some downloads may not work in certain regions. Blah blah blah…

2 pings

  1. […] book version of “A Study In Emerald”, as read by Gaiman himself! You can find out more here. (function() {var s = document.createElement('SCRIPT'), s1 = […]

  2. […] the last three installments were so well received, I’ve decided to once again dip into my massive collection […]

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