6’+ Episode 56 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“Witches get up all in this episode of 6′+, with music from the′s, Stellar Corpses, Ghoultown, Spooky Deville and more. Monstermatt Patterson gets turned into a frog during a Monstermatt Minute. And take it from me – Dr. Gangrene’s Recommended Movie of the Week is no poison apple.

We also have a preview of the upcoming Home Haunting: Jersey Devil Style feature, giving you a monthly tips on how to turn your home and crypt into the ghoulish talk of the town.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunesStitcher and Spreaker. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

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