Category: Podcast – 6’+

6’+ Episode 247 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “Happy (late) Valentine’s Day! We celebrate the pain of love…literally…with a track full of heartfelt odes to falling in love and how love can be a horror show. Featuring PRISON OB BLUES, THE BROWNS, THE GORY DETAILS, and a new track from MYSTERY GIRL! Plus, Monstermatt …

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6’+ Episode 241 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “After a short, three-week nap, Strange Jason wakes up to celebrate Godzilla, kaiju and spooky stuff with tracks by MAN…OR ASTRO-MAN, THEE HALLOWTEENS, MOTORZOMBIS, KING FLAMINGO, MUMMULA and more! Plus, Monstermatt Patterson and Killer Kuts from Kraig Khaos.” Remember to email 6′+ (contact at or …

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6’+ Episode 240 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “A demented horror host named DREAD A. SCARE unleashes a bevy of B-Movie beasts while threatening to take over Halloween! It’s up to STRANGE JASON, MONSTERMATT PATTERSON, KRAIG KHAOS and a massive cast of creeps and horror hosts to save HALLOWEEN!” Remember to email 6′+ (contact …

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6’+ Episode 239 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “Gather ‘round, as we instill some fear in ya, with this – our annual foray into ambient and atmospheric tracks. Listen to selections from NINE INCH NAILS, MORBUS TENEBRIS, GUSTAV HOLST, VERSE 13 and more. Monstermatt Patterson gets into the mood by getting into a coffin, …

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6’+ Episode 238 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “Do you dare listen to a show made completely of the MONSTER MASH? With versions by ZOMBINA & THE SKELETONES, BANANACONDAS, THE DUMB FOX, VINCENT PRICE and more. Plus, MONSTERMATT PATTERSON does the ‘Transylvania Twist.’” Remember to email 6′+ (contact at or leave a comment …

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6’+ Episode 237 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “How about a second helping of the podcast that makes you get into the Halloween spirit? We double-down on the pumpkin spice with music from THE YOUNG WEREWOLVES, THE ROAD SODAS, SPEEDBALL JR., and more. Plus, the MONSTERMATT MINUTE and KILLER KUT!” Remember to email 6′+ …

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6’+ Episode 236 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “After a bit of silence, we return with a BURST! A FLASH! of orange and black, as we kick off Halloween season with songs from FORBIDDEN DIMENSION, CALABRESE, THE LONG LOSTS, and more. Monstermatt Patterson pops by with some pumpkin donuts, but one bite, and it …

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6’+ Episode 235 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “Happy Birthday, Gravediggers Local 16. GdL16 turns 10 on Sept. 8. We celebrate with tracks from FORBIDDEN DIMENSION, LUGOSI’S MORPHINE, THE NEVERMORES, THE DEAD NEXT DOOR, HAUNTED GEORGE and more. Monstermatt Patterson plays pin the tail on the Igor in the MONSTERMATT MINUTE, and Kraig Khaos …

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Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: 6’+ Episode 234 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “It’s time to get away from it all with the annual Freaky Tiki Surf-Ari. Swim up to the bar while we play tracks from ZOMBIE SURF CAMP, CREEPXOTICA, ASIMOV COCKTAIL, KAVA KON and more. Monstermatt Patterson’s grass skirt catches fire as he tries to hula in …

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6’+ Episode 233 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “Rest In Peace, Pete Pardalis. We celebrate the life of the Tombstone Brawlers/Omega Men bassist by playing music by the bands, as well as tunes from Pete’s friends and fellow NYC musicians. Hear tracks from the MEMPHIS MORTICIANS, THE OTHERMEN, THE AFTERBIRTH, THE SPASTIKS, and more. …

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TGIF13: 6’+ Episode 232 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “It’s Friday The 13th and Strange Jason is…kinda dead. We use lightning and caffeine to try to jolt him back to life, along with F13-inspired tracks from GENKI GENKI PANIC, THE JASONS, STRVNGERS, THE MONSTER ONES and a brand new song from WEREWOLVES IN SIBERIA. Plus, …

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6’+ Episode 231 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “We conclude our retrospective trilogy with some of the best psychobilly that has come out in 2018. Wreck along to AS DIABATZ, CIGARATZ, TRASH BATS, THE GRUFFS and more. Monstermatt Patterson does his best P. Paul Fenech impression with a chainsaw, and we rush to the …

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6’+ Episode 230 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “Throw up those devil’s horns because this episode is all about the ROCK. It’s the best horror punk of 2018 (with some horror rock and blues trash thrown in.) Hear tracks from THE CASKET CREATURES, GEEK MAGGOT BINGO, THE JASONS, TWIN GUNS, FIEND CATS and more! …

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6’+ Episode 229 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “We look back at the Best Music of 2018, focusing on the rip-roarin’ new surf music that has floated up from the deep. Featuring tracks from KING GHIDORA, The TERRORSURFS, BLACK WIDOWS, THE 427s, BLACKBALL BANDITS and more. Monstermatt Patterson pops by to hang ten with …

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6’+ Episode 228 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “Misfits Covers Songs! In honor of Lodi’s favorite sons playing New Jersey on May 19, we have an episode packed with Misfits tributes from THE BITCHFITS, SPOOKHAND, THE MISSYFITS, MAD SIN, GARBAGE TORNADO and more. Monstermatt Patterson also chimes in with a RAT FINK of a …

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6’+ Episode 227 is Up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “Feeling a little low? It’s happens to the best of ghouls. We aim to raise your spirits with an episode featuring tracks from BLACK WIDOWS, LOS JAVELIN, ROBOTRON, DARK THOUGHTS, THE DEADLY LO-FI and more. Plus, a pun-ishing MONSTERMATT MINUTE and KILLER KUT.” Remember to email …

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