Happy 10th Birthday, Gravediggers Local 16

Ten Years ago, a post titled “Happy Halloween” popped up on a Blogger site. This meandering post, with its wayward sentence construction, was published as a declaration, that this corner of the Internet would be known as Gravedigger’s Local 16.

Who knew that ten years later, this site would still be here? The site would gain a domain name, migrate to a different platform and still have those outdated links in the top left. While the site will always remain in desperate need of a makeover, it remains functional, albeit a bit behind the times. That seems a bit fitting, since we’re in the business of “digging up” things often overlooked on the first time around.

Though I no longer write regularly for GdL16, there’s still a place in my heart for this little blog, and for the immense effect it has had on my life. Through GdL16, both Weird Jon and I have been able to connect with so many like-minded weirdos, all while trying to make the world just a little bit better for the spooky creeps out there. I personally have forged friendships with some amazing people through this site (and the subsequent podcast, Six Foot Plus) and for that, I am extremely grateful for GdL16.

In the early days ahead of this blog’s creation, it was decided that this site would name itself after a “gravedigger.” It was meant to be a show of appreciation for both the unsung blue-collared heroes in this world – a sanitation worker is far more valuable to society than any movie star, music act or politician – but also a way to celebrate a ghastly figure that sometimes, doesn’t get his or her due. Vampires are sexy. Werewolves are feared. Gravediggers are often there (just off in the background.)

And so, ten years later after that first post, Gravedigger’s Local 16 remains here, continuing to provide a little bit of creepy content to make your day a little bit better.

To all those who have contributed to this site over the past decade, and to every single reader who graced this small corner of the Internet, I have two words to say: “Happy Halloween.”

…and, Thank You.


  1. Happy Anniversary & Happy October!

    1. Thanks, and a “Happy October” to you too from everyone at the Front Office!

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