Category: Music To Haunt By

Music to Haunt By: Dark Rave Volume 1

Virgil Franklin Official Site Dark Rave Volume 1, Lame Duck Digital 2018 Some of you might have heard about Dark Rave Volume 1 thanks to the streaming preview tracks on his new website, but I learned about it a different way. I had been talking with Virgil Franklin last year about my review of Halloween …

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Sounds to Scare By: Pepperhead Studios

Pepperhead Studios Official Site Haunted 2016, self-release 2016 Pepperhead Studios is the creation of musician Jeremy dePrisco and it’s more than a place where people can record their work. It’s also the name he asked me to use when I noted one of his albums in an article last year. He’s best known for his …

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Music to Haunt By: Icky Ichabod

Icky Ichabod Official Site Halloween Music, self-release 2009 The Haunted Organ, self-release 2016 Darkscape, self-release 2016 Hall of Mysteries, self-release 2016 Kevin J Gardner created his “Icky Ichabod” identity in 2009 but had been involved in music long before then. His compositions have been heard in numerous radio spots, films and television shows. But being …

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Music to Haunt By: Morbus Tenebris

Morbus Tenebris Official Site Shadows On The Wall, self-release 2018 You might remember Benjamin Fouché as the man behind Spookinite Valley. This year marks his debut novel, Shadows On The Wall. This year also marks his musical debut with a tie-in album for the novel under his side project, Morbus Tenebris. It’s a story of …

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Music to Haunt By: ExPsyle

ExPsyle Official Site Collection of Creepy, ExPsyle Music 2014 Music Box Melodies, ExPsyle Music 2013 ExPsyle (pronounced “Exile”) is a composer who has been creating music since 2013. She creates royalty free music since she recognizes how independent game developers, filmmakers, YouTube channels, etc. might not have enough money to license music or commission custom …

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Music to Haunt By: Vampyre – Symphonies From the Crypt

Midnight Syndicate Official Site Vampyre – Symphonies From the Crypt, Entity Productions 2002 Midnight Syndicate is currently performing in their live “Conspiracy of Shadows” show at Cedar Point’s “HalloWeekends” event. Not only will they be performing several shows every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday through October 28th, but you can meet them afterward to take pictures …

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Music to Haunt By: Audio Zombie

Audio Zombie Official Site Centralia, Audio Zombie Sound 2014 Penumbra, Audio Zombie Sound 2015 Audio Zombie has made a huge impression on the haunted attraction industry since its debut in 2010. If you go to any forum devoted to haunted attractions and look up discussions about the best audio for use in haunts, Audio Zombie …

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Music to Haunt By: Verne Langdon

Verne Langdon Official Site (Label) The Phantom of the Organ/The Vampyre at the Harpsichord, Electric Lemon Records 2000 (Original release dates: 1972 and 1974) Verne Langdon had practically done it all before passing away in 2011. He had worked in television and movies, he ran a wrestling gym and created countless monster masks for the …

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Music to Haunt By and Sounds to Scare By: The Return

It’s been a big year for news in the world of haunting ambiance. Midnight Syndicate has a new live show at Cedar Point’s HalloWeekends event called “Conspiracy of Shadows.” Performances will happen every Friday, Saturday and Sunday through October 28th and guests get to meet the group after the show! Although Jerry Vayne has joined …

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Music to Haunt By: Halloween

Virgil Franklin Official Site Halloween, Lame Duck Digital 2015 How on Earth did I miss out on reviewing Virgil Franklin’s Halloween when it came out in 2015? It’s gets even more bizarre when you factor in how I actually plugged it in my review of his big comeback album! But I can either spend my …

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Music to Haunt By: Pumpkin On Your Stereo

Sam Haynes Official Site Pumpkin On Your Stereo, Haunt Music 2017 Sam Haynes has been as busy as ever. Something Wicked and Something Wicked II both came out in 2016, with the Bandcamp release of the former having some exclusive bonus tracks. But those who already bought their copy elsewhere can get the same tracks …

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Music to Haunt By: The Haunting

Darkmood Official Site The Haunting, Notic Reign Records 2016 The album description for The Haunting bills itself as “one of the scariest albums of all time.” This is a very bold claim and there’s no shortage of things making promises as being “the scariest” and failing to deliver. Which category does it belong in? Let’s …

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Music to Haunt By: Zombies!!! Official Board Game Soundtrack

Midnight Syndicate Official Site Zombies!!! Official Board Game Soundtrack, Linfaldia Records 2016 To say Twilight Creations had a hit on its hands when it released the board game Zombies!!! would be a gross understatement. It’s spawned numerous editions, expansions and sequels (along with numerous bags of plastic figures). So their tapping Midnight Syndicate to come …

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Music to Haunt By: Dying Within

Grave Tone Productions Official Site Dying Within, B@Home Wreckordings 2017 It’s been awhile since I last reviewed one of Grave Tone Productions’ albums, so let’s catch up on their releases. 2015 saw the release of their kid-friendly single “Jack the Jack O’ Lantern” and the debut of their short film Who’s There? on YouTube. 2016 …

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Music to Haunt By: Horror Trilogy

Dulcet Jones Official Site Horror Trilogy Part One, Green Cottage Music 2017 Horror Trilogy Part Two, Green Cottage Music 2017 Horror Trilogy Part Three, Green Cottage Music 2017 Horror Trilogy, Green Cottage Music 2017 Horror Trilogy is one of the more unique releases I’ve seen in the world of scary ambient music. The “album” is …

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Music to Haunt By: Mark Harvey

Mark Harvey Official Site Pumpkinland, Nobody Records 1999 Pumpkinland II, Nobody Records 2000 Pumpkinland III, Nobody Records 2001 The late 90’s were a very important time in the development of modern haunted attraction music. Midnight Syndicate had settled into the style which made them famous in 1998 and Michael Hedstrom entered the scene in 1999. …

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