Tag: Guidolon

Free (Legal) Download: Guidolon The Giant Space Chicken

Frank Wu is a man of many talents. His artwork has appeared in more science fiction and fantasy publications than I can name and movies like Earthlings: Ugly Bags of Mostly Water and Worm Free Society. In addition to being an artist, he has written stories, scientific papers and articles. That last link also reveals …

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Daikaiju! Giant Monster Tales

You can find horror anthologies devoted to just about every subject these days. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, zombies, aliens, Frankenstein’s monster, H.P. Lovecraft, slashers…the list goes on and on. But one subgenre was sadly neglected in the world of horror anthologies: good old fashioned giant monster attacks! Thankfully, the fine folks at Agog! Press took notice …

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