Some might frown at people carving anything other than a pumpkin to make a Jack O’Lanterns, but I think it’s perfectly acceptable. There are some amazing watermelon carvings out there and the whole carving tradition originally involved turnips. So pineapple Tiki O’Lanterns are fine in my book. Especially when they are accompanied by creepy music …
Tag: Nels Truesdell
May 19 2011
A Handful of Dirt: Nels Truesdell of Kava Kon
A Handful of Dirt asks a person five questions they wouldn’t normally expect or receive in any other credible interview. In consulting the Serendipiter Bag o’InquiryTM, we pose a series of questions to come up with a bit of knowledge unknown before – a handful of dirt. Nels Truesdell is half of Kava …