For my debut at Gravediggers Local 16, I wanted to post something Canadian. After all, I am from the land of the Wendigo and poorly-produced shows about the Wendigo. Today I’m linking to something far more evil: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS! Yeah, I know, I hate when people post things like “the impending global recession is far …
October 26, 2008 archive
Oct 26 2008
Chick or Treat!
Jack Chick, that is. For those not in the know, Mr. Chick is infamous for creating little illustrated booklets (popularly known as “Chick tracts”) that claim you’ll go to Hell if you don’t follow his particular interpretation of Christianity. If you go to his website, which I’m not linking to for obvious reasons, you’ll even …
Oct 26 2008
A little something different here.If you recognize the design, I skipped over the windows of the haunted house and the pair of bats that were flying from it, a decision done out of growing impatience more than aesthetic reasons. I had suspicion that it wouldn’t matter, because Gourdon’s top was rotted away and there was …