I hate using the term ‘guitar god’ because it summons ideas of 70’s and 80’s stadium rock. But there are trailblazers that deserve the divine status. And I can’t really say that George Barnes would warrant that because I don’t know his bod of work, but my short research indicates that he was the first …
Tag: The Coffin Daggers
Aug 26 2013
Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: The Coffin Daggers
The Coffin Daggers Official Site Monsters from the Id, Urko Records 2011 New York 1999. While Y2K was weighing heavily on many peoples’ minds, Viktor Venom (aka Victor Dominicis) was thinking about music. Having previously preformed as a part of Reagan Youth, Chaos UK and Nausea, Venom was no stranger to punk rock. However, he …