As a guy with a wide range of interests, simply one listing of links to websites I enjoy just isn’t enough! Xenorama – Xenorama is “The Page of Heroes and Monsters,” along with an amazing article about an alternate version of The War of the Gargantuas. Side Order of Ninjas – Funny and entertaining reviews …
January 2011 archive
Jan 30 2011
Free (Legal) Download: Werewolf Cult Chronicles
It’s been a long time since the Front Office showed how to get a free download of the movie Pig. Too long, in fact. That’s why I’m stepping up to the plate with another free movie download. This time around, it’s an interconnected series of short films called The Werewolf Cult Chronicles. Although filmed in …
Jan 28 2011
Marik Plays Bloodlines
Once upon a time, there was a YouTube user called LittleKuriboh who had an idea. He would reedit episodes of the anime series Yu-Gi-Oh! into shortened parodies. Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series became a smash hit and spawned countless other abridged series, along with some spin-off channels. Despite not being a fan of the anime, I …
Jan 25 2011
Tuesday uEtsy: Team Welser
[’s tagline is “Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade.” Coincidentally, there’s a lot of spooky on Etsy, and each Tuesday, we highlight one of the sellers. If you’re looking to spruce up your look, redecorate your tomb or get a gift for that special something in your afterlife, is a place for spooky econo.] Team …
Jan 19 2011
12 Interesting Things About Gigan
Hailing from Space Hunter Nebula M, the cyborg monster Gigan is one of the odder-looking members of Godzilla’s rogues gallery. With his massive hook-claws, visored eyes and chest-mounted buzzsaw, Gigan has made quite an impression on fandom since his first appearance in 1972. In recognition of this popular daikaiju, here’s a collection of interesting trivia …
Jan 11 2011
Music to Haunt By: House of Nightmares
Buzz Works Official Site House of Nightmares, Monolith Graphics 2010 While browsing through the ol’ Google Analytics page, the sheer number of people who read the Nox Arcana and Buzz Works installments of “Music to Haunt By” after searching for “House of Nightmares” convinced me that I simply had to review Buzz Works’ newest release. …