AHoD Fun Size: Dingo of THE ZOMBEATLES


A Handful of Dirt usually asks a person five questions they wouldn’t normally expect or receive in any other credible interview.

But since it’s Halloween, we’re offering a FUN SIZE version where we ask one Halloween question from the Serendipiter Bag o’InquiryTM.  


Six years ago, the world was introduced to The Zombeatles by Rob Zombie picking their video for ‘A Hard Day’s Night Of The Living Dead.’ Three years later, they released ‘Meat The Zombeatles.’ And here we are three years later and the Zombeatles Have Risen Again.

This time, the Zombeatles have reached out the undead horde as well as their fans to help fund their second release. The Fab Gore – Jaw, Pall, Gorge and Dingo – have established a Kickstarter Campaign to raise the funds needed to record and release their sophmore album. We’ve reached out to each member and this time around, we speak with DINGO. At the end, you’ll find the video on their Kickstarter campaign page that will let you know what you can do to help out the Zombeatles.

Because, all you need is brains.

What do you think the worst thing someone could possibly give out for trick-or-treating?

A rotting egg or fruit.


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