Free Printable Halloween Window Silhouettes

And if you wanna make friends at the ATM...Do the creep...

Despite having covered printable Halloween decorations on this site in the past, I somehow missed covering one of the easiest and most effective decorations of that type: window silhouettes. You’d better believe I’m making up for that today!

Let’s start things off with some selections from the site that gave me the idea in the first place, Dave Lowe Design:

Zombie Window Silhouette Printables
Witchcrafty Window Silhouette Printables
Maniacal Window Silhouette Printables

He also has some great tips on getting the silhouettes to fit your window:

“You can cut these out of black foamcore, poster board or heavy black paper. Then simply tape into your windows. Here are a few simple ways to scale the images to fit your window first. No one way is best, whatever is easier for you.

– Take the image to Kinkos (or similar copy center) and have enlarged and printed as poster (if in your budget, they can also mount onto foam board for you).

– Project the image onto a board and trace. In that vein, project image onto sheer fabric or shower curtain, then paint on.

– Scale the image on your computer, print in sections and mount on board, then cut-out (most copy centers can tile/section image for you as well, cheaper than full poster print).”

But he’s not the only one with free window silhouettes:

Witch at the Window Silhouette

Halloween Templates
How To: Haunted House Silhouettes | MAKE
Printables » WebSpinstress Gothic Halloween
Printable Halloween Silhouettes – Tip Junkie
DIY Spooky Window Silhouettes Birshykat | Apartment Therapy

Google Books also has some good stuff for you. These witches would look great in a window (just look at this if you don’t believe me), as would these grasping hands I noted in yesterday’s installment of the Halloween countdown. If you want to make those templates larger, just use the instructions about enlarging patterns here. If none of the above silhouettes somehow don’t strike your fancy, you can always make your own.

I especially like these instructions for fabric-based “Wailing Windows.” They may take a little more work to make, but fabric silhouettes do have one advantage over paper ones. You see, using a hidden oscillating fan (placed out of view from the windows) can make them move around! But if you prefer paper, you can still create the illusion of movement by using a strobe light. Just be sure to have it operating on its lowest speed and aim it AWAY from the window to reduce the risk of epileptic seizure. I also recommend only using this for the upper windows of your home. Having some warning signs about the use of strobe placed around the neighborhood also wouldn’t hurt. If you can’t get access to a strobe light, a flashlight shining through a box fan should do the trick in a pinch. Even without any movement, these window silhouettes still look great when you light up the room. I personally recommend hanging white sheets behind them and, if possible, dimming the lights somewhat in the room(s) they’re stationed in.

On a final note, paper silhouettes also look great on stairs. Seriously, check it out!

Special thanks to Dave Lowe Design for the use of the image!

Gravedigger’s Local 16 is not to be held responsible for the content on or anything that may occur (be it good or bad) as a result of visiting or downloading from any links on those sites (or constructing a project that’s detailed on them). Attempt at your own discretion.

6 pings

  1. […] can find some great pumpkin carving tips in this classic article and these free Halloween window silhouettes can be potentially adapted into pumpkin designs. The other articles originally featuring those […]

  2. […] last year’s massive selection of free printable Halloween window silhouettes somehow just wasn’t enough, you can find more […]

  3. […] useful in some types of setups, goes mostly unused in its undimmed form (unless it is used with silhouettes in windows and shadows on walls). Ultraviolet or “black” light can be used to make […]

  4. […] addition to a jointed paper Vincent Price figure, I have also shared prop labels, window silhouettes, spooky pictures (suitable for framing) and even a sweet zombie defense […]

  5. […] windows for an eerie vibe! Not into drawing? No problem! Check out some great printable stencils here. Hang up some orange paper behind your stencil to give it that glow–this looks especially […]

  6. […] it really been three years since I last shared a collection of spooky silhouettes with you all? Time sure does […]

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