Randy Miller Official Site Monster Mania: Music From The Classic Godzilla Films (1954-1995), VarŅse Sarabande 1998 Up until 1998, American Godzilla fans who wanted to listen to the uninterrupted music from the films they love had very few options. Unless you were able to import albums directly from Japan, the selection was limited to Neil …
Tag: Akira Ikufube
Aug 31 2011
Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: King Kong vs. Godzilla Soundtrack
Akira Ikufube Official Site (Label) King Kong vs. Godzilla Soundtrack, La-La Land Records 2006 (Original release date: 1962) I know this seems like a bizarre way to close out this year’s Freaky Tiki Surf-ari. Truth be told, even I thought the idea that the King Kong vs. Godzilla soundtrack had anything to do with exotica …