Tag: King Kong vs. Godzilla

Godzilla and King Kong, Together Again

As it’s the Big G’s birthday, I thought it would be nice to pay tribute to one of his greatest battles. I was stuck on what to do, until I discovered that the Peruvian fast food chain Bembos decided to do a humorous ad reuniting the two (well, reasonable facsimiles of the two) that’s probably …

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Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: King Kong vs. Godzilla Soundtrack

Akira Ikufube Official Site (Label) King Kong vs. Godzilla Soundtrack, La-La Land Records 2006 (Original release date: 1962) I know this seems like a bizarre way to close out this year’s Freaky Tiki Surf-ari. Truth be told, even I thought the idea that the King Kong vs. Godzilla soundtrack had anything to do with exotica …

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Grandpa, could you whip me up a blog entry?

Movie reviewer Scott Foy (aka The Foywonder) has posted a clip from the episode of TBS Super Scary Saturday featuring King Kong vs. Godzilla (hosted by “Grandpa” Al Lewis) on his Youtube account: In the above clip, professional wrestling personalities Michael “PS” (“Purely Sexy”) Hayes and Jim Cornette debate which of the monsters they’re representing …

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