Tag: Free RPG Day

Free RPG Day Is Here!

It’s time for our annual unofficial (in addition be being completely unauthorized and unsanctioned) celebration of Free RPG Day! So once you’re back from your local game store, go ahead and check these out: Old Spice got a lot of attention for creating a new character class which lets people adventure as Gentlemen or Gentleladies. …

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Free RPG Day Is Coming!

Free RPG Day is scheduled for June 16th this year! Here are a few of the many free offerings which might be of interest to our readers: Cthulhu Confidential/The Fall Of Delta Green Unknown Armies Dungeon Crawl Classics Midnight Legion Lamentations Of The Flame Princess Numenera You can also get things like dice, a collectible …

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Free RPG Day Is Here!

It’s time for our annual unofficial (in addition be being unauthorized and unsanctioned) celebration of Free RPG Day! So once you’re finished supporting your friendly local game store, be sure to check these out: You might remember Chill as “that horror RPG with the book of adventures hosted by Elvira.” Although that book isn’t available …

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Free RPG Day Is Coming!

Free RPG Day is on June 17th this year, and oh are you in for a treat! Here’s a look at some of the gaming goodies you can snag: Borderhounds Dungeon Crawl Classics TimeWatch/13th Age Runequest Starfinder Torg Eternity Through The Breach Familiars of Terra Robert E. Howards’ Conan In addition to the various kinds …

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Free RPG Day Is Here!

It’s time for our annual unofficial celebration of Free RPG Day! So once you’re finished supporting your favorite gaming or hobby store, be sure to check these out: Did you have you eye on the Quick Start rules for last year’s offerings for Atlantis: The Second Age and Hellas: Worlds of Sun and Stone but …

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Free RPG Day Is Coming!

Free RPG Day falls on June 18th this year, so you should start preparing this very instant! Here’s a brief sampling of some of the gaming goodies you can snag: Call of Cthulhu Dungeon Crawl Classics/Mutant Crawl Classics The Dark Eye Faith: The Sci-Fi RPG Primeval Thule Feng Shui 2 Through The Breach Atlantis: The …

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Free RPG Day Is Here!

It’s time for our annual unofficial celebration of Free RPG Day! If you missed our earlier post highlighting what items will be available this year, you can learn everything you need to know at the official Free RPG Day website. So once you’re finished supporting your local gaming store, be sure to check these out: …

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Free RPG Day Is Coming!

June 20th is the 9th annual Free RPG Day. As you can see from the official Facebook page, they’ve really pulled out all the stops this year. Here are a few examples: Castles and Crusades Fifth Edition Fantasy Hellas: Worlds of Sun and Stone Through The Breach Atlantis: The Second Age You Iz Kobolds?! 13th …

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Free RPG Day Is Here!

It’s Free RPG Day and once again we’re doing our own unofficial celebration to the event. If you missed our earlier post highlighting what items will be available this year, you can learn everything you need to know at the official Free RPG Day website. As usual, we’ve got a ton of free downloads prepared: …

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Free RPG Day Is Coming!

Mark your calendars: the 8th annual Free RPG Day will be on June 21st this year! Here’s a taste of some (but not all) of the offerings that should be interest to our readers: Castles and Crusades 13th Age Pathfinder The Godsfall Mage: The Ascension Dungeon Crawl Classics/Xcrawl Cosmic Patrol Shadowrun/Battletech To learn more information …

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Free RPG Day Is Here!

Once again, it’s Free RPG Day and we here at Gravedigger’s Local 16 are doing our own unofficial contribution to the event. What is Free RPG Day? It’s when gaming stores all over the US (and other countries) give away free RPG adventures and other useful role-playing items. You can find out what retailers in …

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Free RPG Day Is Coming!

The 7th annual Free RPG Day is scheduled for June 15th, so make sure to keep that date in mind when you make your plans for the weekend. In addition to some nifty steampunk dice, the other freebies scheduled for this year that might be of interest to readers of this blog include: NeoExodus: Temple …

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It’s Free RPG Day!

Yay, verily!

Yes, today is the day when gaming stores all over the US (and other countries) are giving away free RPG adventures and other useful role-playing items. In fact, you can find out what retailers in your area are participating by visiting the official Free RPG Day website. As was the case last year, we’re offering …

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Free RPG Day Is Coming!

That’s right, Free RPG Day is just around the corner. The 6th annual installment is scheduled for June 16 and we highly recommend that you consider getting involved, whether you’re already a gamer or are interested in just trying things out to see if gaming would be your thing. There’s plenty of stuff to appeal …

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Free RPG Day is Here!

That’s right, today’s the day when game stores across the country are giving away free goodies and having special sales! Judging from both the past and current selection of freebies, there’s plenty of stuff that should be of interest to horror fans. If the stuff shown here aren’t enough to convince you to head out …

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Free RPG Day is Coming!

With June comes the last of the “free goodies” retail holiday that may be of interest to our readers: Free RPG Day. So if you’re interested in gaming, clear some time in your schedule for June 18th!

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