Tag: Tales From The Crypt

SJTV: Commercial Interruption

‘sup, kiddies? No SJTV this week due to preparations for the Halloween season. I guess you’ll just have to find another way to KILL some time at work (or wherever else you read these little musings.) But don’t worry – we still have some things to help rot your brain – some classic Tales From …

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SJTV: Tales From The Crypt, ‘The Switch’

Just because he’s dead doesn’t mean our Crypt Keeper doesn’t have to stay in shape, as he opens the episode by lifting some ‘dead’ weights. And before we get a chance to make any more puns, in walks ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER wearing a Tales From The Crypt T-shirt. He’s here to turn the Crypt Keeper from …

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SJTV: Tales From The Crypt, ‘Dead Right’

Welcome to SJTV: Tales From The Crypt, as we start to recap the second season of the HBO series Tales From The Crypt. In the initial installment, the future George Bluth Sr. decides to woo the future ex-Mrs. Bruce Willis in an episode that shows that money is thicker than water. Or something. DEAD RIGHT …

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SJTV: The Results

After closing the poll yesterday (thanks to those who voted) we ended up with a clear winner for this inaugural edition of SJTV:  Yep, I will do my darndest to offer something new to say about the old HBO horror anthology, as it was the clear winner. But before we dive headfirst into the Nostalgia, I …

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SJTV: Rock the Vote

I don’t watch a lot of television, especially compared to what I used to. My teenage self is envious of my adult self, because if fifteen-year-old Strange Jason had access to Netflix and Hulu and all these other troves of shows and content, he would be in heaven. He would not be going outside AT …

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Trilogy From The Crypt

Tales From The Crypt was destined to go beyond its comic book origins. When you have a series which started off as an unrelated section of Crime Patrol and grew popular enough to take over the comic completely, there’s no other conclusion you can reach. Perhaps that’s why a live-action photograph of the “GhouLunatics” was …

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Crypt Jam

In the early 90’s, Tales From The Crypt was EVERYWHERE. So much so that I knew exactly what the Crypt Keeper looked and sounded like despite never having seen a single episode. In fact, I remember watching an episode of the animated spin-off Tales From The Cryptkeeper and being pleased they used the same voice …

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Tales From The Crypt

Though its initial run on HBO ran from 89-96, I didn’t catch ‘Tales from the Crypt’ until syndication since I didn’t afford the premium cable. But when it finally was distributed among the networks, I lived far up north that I caught it on a Canadian station that played in hour-long chunks every weekday at …

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