Arguments about whether “fast” zombies or the traditional shambling undead are scarier usually bring up the same few points. Proponents of running zombies often note how slow zombies would be easy to evade once the initial shock of seeing wore off. Traditionalists will then point out how you can’t run forever and the dead will …
Tag: zombie
May 01 2014
It’s Zombie Awareness Month…
but I’m going to talk about Godzilla-related stuff instead. Granted, I’ll be doing a sequel to last year’s Free Zombie Music article, but this month my heart only belongs to kaiju. Why discuss zombies when Legendary Pictures’ Godzilla is scheduled to come out this month? After all, I can always talk about zombies next year …
May 01 2013
It’s Zombie Awareness Month!
As the name of this article says, May is Zombie Awareness Month. Since the how and why of this event have already been explained, let’s skip straight to the good stuff. We have plenty of special articles planned for this month (including some free goodies) and hopefully you’ll stick around to check them all out. …
May 31 2012
Farewell, Zombie Awareness Month
Although I think our selection of zombie-related posts was wider than last year’s offers, I must admit that our grand total of zombie-related content was not quite as large as I had hoped. Granted, many of us were very busy this month, but I still felt kind of bad about it. So I thought make …
May 01 2012
It’s Zombie Awareness Month!
It’s that time of the year again! Some of you might wonder why bother setting aside a month for zombies or why it’s happening in May instead of October. As the Zombie Research Society have already explained why they opted for May (I suppose the presumed connection to Halloween is unavoidable given the month they …
May 11 2011
It’s Zombie Awareness Month!
You read that title correctly, it is indeed Zombie Awareness Month once again. Despite Weird Jon being a complete sourpuss about it, the rest of the Local is feeling more festive (though we did meet him halfway on the podcast). In addition to the various zombie–related articles that have been posted recently (or will be …