I’ve got to make this quick since I have some last-minute Halloween preparations to make. Some of you might be a little baffled as to why I chose to post a video of someone in a silly costume singing a cover of a Frank Zappa song, but I hope that the message at the end …
October 2008 archive
Oct 30 2008
Sven Update
Quick news – after contacting FuzzyMemories.TV and Svengoolie, the below link to ‘Svengoolie – It Came From Berwyn!!’ is sort-of-okay. Not to cause any trouble, hurt feelings or lawsuits, the link will be up until November 1st. So you have until Halloween to Trick-or-Treat the link. After that, it’ll come down and you’ll just have …
Oct 30 2008
Terror T.R.A.X.
Back in the early 90’s, the company behind “Dungeons & Dragons” created a line of “Choose Your Own Adventure”-type audio CDs called Terror T.R.A.X. The idea behind them was that you were an operative for a secret organization (Trace, Research, Analyze and eXterminate) that investigates 911 calls involving the paranormal and that you’d switch audio …
Oct 29 2008
It Came from….BERWYN?!!!
(Son of) Svengoolie WCIU- the U! Fuzzy Memories.TV It seemed to lessen a bit, but the Halloween spirit has come back to kick me in the eye socket. With a black eye of live, I’m back to rocking Halloween spirit; seems appropriate, being as we’re two days until the big day. I figured to avoid …
Oct 28 2008
Printable Halloween Décor II
For those of you not satisfied by my previous forays into printable decorations, check these out: The Monster Maze has several printable warning signs that’d look great in any mad scientist-related display. On a related note, Warningsigngenerator.com and Safety Sign Builder let you make customized warning signs that you can print out for free. However, …
Oct 28 2008
Halloween How (not) To
Here’s a bizarre, creepy, and definitely NSFW tutorial on making a female troll figure for Halloween. THRILL! at a man smoking and yelling at his dog! CHILL! at repeated use of the phrase “troll titties” and at the thought of what he’ll do with the finished troll! Back when I first saw this on Halloweenforum.com, …
Oct 27 2008
From Denmark, with Love: HorrorPops
HorrorPops Hell Yeah!, Hellcat 2004 Bring It On!, Hellcat 2005 Kiss Kiss Kill Kill, Hellcat 2008 I wrote a review of the Horrorpops release ‘Kiss Kiss Kill Kill’ which came out last February. I said it was an enjoyable record that showed the band’s progression and experimentation with sounds outside their rockabilly origins. The record …
Oct 27 2008
Munster Mash
According to this site, Alice Cooper is hosting WGN’s 16 episode marathon of The Munsters from 4:00 pm to midnight (Eastern standard time) on Halloween. For those of you on the West coast, the marathon will run from 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm. This will be followed by a half-hour special about the making of …
Oct 26 2008
Graphic Displays of Halloween
For my debut at Gravediggers Local 16, I wanted to post something Canadian. After all, I am from the land of the Wendigo and poorly-produced shows about the Wendigo. Today I’m linking to something far more evil: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS! Yeah, I know, I hate when people post things like “the impending global recession is far …
Oct 26 2008
Chick or Treat!
Jack Chick, that is. For those not in the know, Mr. Chick is infamous for creating little illustrated booklets (popularly known as “Chick tracts”) that claim you’ll go to Hell if you don’t follow his particular interpretation of Christianity. If you go to his website, which I’m not linking to for obvious reasons, you’ll even …
Oct 26 2008
A little something different here.If you recognize the design, I skipped over the windows of the haunted house and the pair of bats that were flying from it, a decision done out of growing impatience more than aesthetic reasons. I had suspicion that it wouldn’t matter, because Gourdon’s top was rotted away and there was …
Oct 25 2008
Halloween Horror Nights Discount
If you’re a member of Coca-Cola’s rewards program (or are willing to sign up) and are planning on going to Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Nights in California, click this link. If that doesn’t work, go to http://www.mycokerewards.com and type “halloween” into the search bar. When you get the search results, click on the one that …
Oct 24 2008
Man, forget these guys. If someone whips out a Mannhein Steamroller CD at your next party, be it Christmas or Halloween, then you know that person is NOT YOUR FRIEND. (and fuck Universal music group for disabling embedding.) We’re hitting the home-stretch towards Halloween. I’m spending the night with Monster Madhouse and a bunch of …
Oct 24 2008
Harvest of Horrors
Location: Tony Andrews Farm, 394 Old Meeting House, East Falmouth, MA (Directions) Dates/times: Oct. 17, 18, 24, 25, 31, and Nov. 1, 6:30 to 9:00 PM (Dates/Times and prices subject to change as years go by) Admission: $10 per person; credit cards not accepted. Phone: (508) 563-3378 Website: http://www.harvestofhorrors.com Starting in 1979 as a maze …
Oct 23 2008
Oct 29 2008
This is sexy?
Mondo Schlocko has a great, two–part look at some supposedly “sexy” Halloween costumes for women. There’s actually an even goofier “Sexy Freddy Krueger” costume out there, but I don’t know if it’s available to the general public.