October 3, 2014 archive

Music In Costume: Twin Guns dress up as Kip Tyler

Arguably the coolest band in NYC, Twin Guns do a mean cover of Kip Tyler. I was there for this show. The band definitely needs to be seen live. First heard the Kip Tyler original on the Buffalo Bop compilation Horror Hop. Definitely track it down. Which one do you like better? VS

Papercraft Chainsaw

A roughly life-size version of a mini chainsaw. Wouldn’t this be a great inexpensive and light weight costume accessory? Or perhaps you might prepare to use it as a static prop in your home haunt or Halloween display. Place it by a fake severed head (or an old mask stuffed with wadded up paper towels), …

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6’+ Delay: Technical Difficulties (aka Goblins)

As recently noted by Strange Jason: “Sup, listener? So, it pains me to have another delay so soon after our last interruption, but the remote corner of the Front Office of Gravediggers Local 16 has broken out in a terrible infestation of goblins. And they’re cool goblins, like, really personable and with interesting point of …

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