Edison’s Frankenstein

Oh I'm not evil, I'm just...good looking?

Originally debuting as a self-published work in 1996, Edison’s Frankenstein is back in an expanded and updated edition that’s more than double the original’s page count (along with a tie-in DVD-R release of the film). And the timing couldn’t be better, because 2010 marks the 100th anniversary of the original silent Frankenstein film’s release!

Author Frederick C. Wiebel, Jr. presents a wealth amount of information in a way that never seems boring or “dense” to the reader. Not only does he chronicle the complete genesis of the silent film’s creation (including reproductions of short film’s “script” and intertitles), but the book also covers the history of early American cinema and the Edison company (along with biographies of the film’s stars and details on company founder Thomas Edison). Some horror fans might be tempted to skip the non-Frankenstein portions of the book, but that would be a very foolish mistake. I found the biographies of Charles Ogle (who played the monster) and Mary Fuller (who played Dr. Frankenstein’s fiancée) to be particularly interesting, due to how Mr. Ogle’s career changed and how Ms. Fuller was involved in the creation of movie serials. I was also surprised to learn that Warner Brothers and Universal both owe their existences to Edison Studios.

Other chapters cover the creation of Mary Shelley’s original tale, stage adaptations (and how they may have influenced the monster makeup used in the 1910 film), other Frankenstein films (and the 1910 version’s possible influence upon some), and the saga of formerly “lost” film finally getting released on home video. There are plenty of pictures from a variety of sources, with the ones from the titular film and other silents being of understandably lesser quality due to the well-worn nature of their source prints. A few other pictures are somewhat pixelated, possibly due to the conversion for the .PDF file for the e-book version (more on that later). According to an email conversation I had with the author, there were no such problems with the original scans. On the plus side, most of the pictures look great and many of the Universal Frankenstein’s monster pictures should be familiar to (and please) monster kids old and new.

Like many, I had assumed the scant few film clips available from the film in the 90’s were the only usable scraps from otherwise completely deteriorated film reels. The truth was that there was an honest-to-goodness conspiracy to keep the film from being released in full!

You see, the only surviving copy of the film was purchased by a film collector named Alois Dettlaff sometime in the 50’s. Although he did work on preserving the film (including making copies), he did not realize the value of this particular acquisition until many years later. After inquiring among other collectors to see if they had copies as well, Mr. Dettlaff soon realized that he was the only game in town. But although the film’s public domain status allowed him to release it himself without paying any royalties, it also meant that anyone would be free to make and sell copies themselves the split second the film was made publicly available. So, aside from a few one showing only theatrical screenings, Dettlaff limited the film’s release to clips he licensed out. It’s almost unfathomable to think that a film described as being lost in countless books on horror movies (including ones written for children) could be shown without anyone catching on and calling a local news service. But it happened. It wasn’t until Fred Wiebel saw a clip on a television documentary and became inspired to see where it came from that the truth became known.

Edison’s Frankenstein chronicles the numerous difficulties Mr. Wiebel had in his dealings with the late Mr. Dettlaff, such as numerous cancellations for events and struggles over getting the film to be shown without a watermark. And then there’s the Dettlaff limited edition DVD (not to be confused with the DVD-R associated with this book) and the experiences that others had with him. The Oscar story is definitely not to be missed. Considering all that, it’s amazing the author didn’t just give up out of sheer frustration. Well, that, and discuss the trials and tribulations in a way that doesn’t demonize the deceased film collector. In fact, his final notes on the matter come in the form of a memorial of sorts for Dettlaff.

But what of the film itself? Buying the book directly from the author or buying the CD-R/DVD-R e-book combo will get you the restored DVD-R immediately, and those who get the paperback edition from other sources can still order it separately using the instructions found at the back of the book. The disc art is based on the labels used for Edison Records’ “Diamond Discs,” which gives it a neat “What if Edison made DVDs” feel. Said artwork is printed directly on the disc, so fans need not worry about any of the issues associated with homemade labels. It comes in a paper CD sleeve (unless you get the e-book package), but that should not be an issue for resourceful GdL16 readers.

The DVD’s start menu uses the image most commonly associated with the film as a background and has the film’s title act as the “Play” option. The 12 minute film itself is fairly straightforward: Dr. Frankenstein is a university student who has discovered the secret of life and plans to create a perfect human being. In a very Georges Méliès-style scene, Frankenstein prepares a bubbling cauldron in order to bring his creation to life. As you’ve probably guessed, this film is an early example of a book’s plot getting heavily altered for the movie adaptation. But his giddiness over the experiment soon turns to fear and revulsion once he sees what his finished creation actually looks like. Although he initially dismisses the matter as a bad dream, aided in part by the monster’s disappearance, the reality of the matter comes back to haunt him upon his return home…

The monster, with its wild hair and pointy elf shoes, is more likely to induce laughter rather than chills in today’s viewers. However, its claw-like hands are a nice, creepy touch and the monster looks very unnerving when it’s looming over its terrified, hiding under the covers creator(aided in part by the color tinting used in the scene). The orange tinting used for the sequence when the monster is forming in the cauldron is also well-picked, with that particular tint making the formation of the body resemble burning embers in a fireplace. Although it is rather easy to figure out how the effect of a moving humanoid figure being formed from smoke and ashes was realized, it’s still a pretty neat looking sequence. It, along with the mirror sequence, must have knocked the socks off the movie-goers of the day. The only tinting that could come off as odd to modern viewers is the use of blue tinting toward the end of the film. However, anyone reading the book will realize this was shorthand for scenes taking place at night.

Although it’s not Criterion Collection quality, this restored version of the film easily blows away other versions currently online. The transfer is artifact-free and while there may be some signs of print damage, but that is to be expected given the worn nature of the original print and how Mr. Weibel was only able to work with a watermarked and altered (new title and intertitle cards) copy. Thankfully, he was able to blur the watermark and it’s not very noticeable for most of film, unless you go looking for it. I actually mistook it for a sprocket hole the first time I spotted it. There is only one scene where characters move in the “fast motion” manner often associated with silent films, but it’s very brief. “Blink and you’ll miss it” brief.

Just as how he poured through old Edison company documents for information about the film itself, the author also used those documents to determine what musical cues would have accompanied the film and was able to obtain them from vintage phonograph cylinders! According to a very informative newsgroup posting Mr. Wiebel made about his one man restoration effort (all painstakingly done on his personal computer), he purposefully didn’t clean up the scratchy thumps so as to better match the visual quality of the film. I have to agree, it’s a nice touch that compliments the film well. The “white text on plain black backgrounds” intertitles might seem overly simple and quickly made to those familiar with the more elaborate ones present in other silents. However, those who’ve read the book will know that’s how they actually looked in the original. It’s important to also remember that since Mr. Wiebel had to recreate certain elements of the film from scratch such as the intertitles and title card, this particular version of Frankenstein is copyrighted. Check out these sections of the US Copyright Office website if you don’t believe me. In other words, don’t rip the DVD transfer and sell/distribute/etc. copies. Mr. Wiebel worked very hard on this restoration and deserves to reap the benefits.

I understand that the arrangement of the text in the e-book version (available in both Word and .PDF formats) is different and several of the pictures are in color. No matter what version you choose, the book is still a must-have for both fans of classic films and horror films alike. For information on how to order your own copy, please click here.

Special thanks to Fred Wiebel and BearManor Media for the review copy!

Tuesday uEtsy: LipsTattoo Designs

[Etsy.com’s tagline is “Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade.” Coincidently, there’s a lot of spooky on Etsy, and each Tuesday, we highlight one of the sellers. If you’re looking to spruce up your look, redecorate your tomb or get a gift for that special something in your afterlife, Etsy.com is a place for spooky econo.]

LipsTattoo Designs (http://lipstattoo.etsy.com)

From the UK, we have LipsTattoo Designs, offering their handmade jewerly for all things creepy. LipsTattoo Designs was an early supporter of GdL16 on Twitter. We’re glad to spotlight them for this Tuesday uEtsy.

Applicable for both boys and ghouls, LipsTattoo is perfect if you need some unique accessories to compliment your style. Broches, Badges and bows for your hair are all offered, along with some specialty items like death lily greeting cards or a specially painted teapot.

There’s definitely a unique look to all LipsTattoo Designs which captures the more playful side to creepy and weird.

Most of these pieces are a steal, specially if you’re located in the UK. But shipping across the pond is incredibly reasonable.


We recommend LipTattoo Designs for this Tuesday uEtsy. If you would like to nominate an Etsy seller for future Tue.uEt Spotlights, drop a line here.

PuppeTose Theater Presents: Random Stories Grab-Bag

PuppeTose Theater Presents: Random Stories Grab-Bag

There’s a neat scene in ‘Premonition,’ the first of three stories in PuppeTose Theater’s Random Stories Grab-Bag. A dragon stalks the character Helgi, a soothsayer within a castle and despite there being no real frame of reference other than both are the trademark PuppeTose puppets.  Through choices in editing, the scene effectively conveys a heightened sense of drama in a short period of time with ‘actors’ that are nothing more than wires, strings and shaped pieces of painted newspaper and flour.

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RIP Video Oasis

I’m bummed. You see, I was looking up the contact information for one of my favorite video stores and discovered that they had since closed their doors. I even tried calling to double check. It’s a bit odd for me to count Video Oasis as one of my favorites, seeing as how I only visited once and never rented anything, but I think the following will explain why.

I first learned about the store through its reputation back in 1995. Its selection of cult and obscure titles from all genres was often praised in the It’s All True column of the now-defunct Editorial Humor. That column, along with the paper’s profiling of local events in Massachusetts, set Editorial Humor apart from other humor piece/comic reprint papers (like Funny Times) due to their focus on everything weird. Be it crackpot inventors, television shows, movies, or the strangest the internet had to offer, It’s All True would tell you everything you needed to know. It also sponsored/promoted “Channel Zero,” a showcase of various bizarre movies and television shows (and occasionally things like bad poetry) that traveled from one venue to another. I remember reading that an installment about Japanese superhero programs was held at a bar, while others were presented at indie movie theaters.

But I digress…

I seem to recall that one installment of It’s All True made note of Video Oasis having to hastily assemble shelves from 2x4s and cinder blocks in order to accommodate the sheer number of VHS cassettes they had acquired over the years. It also noted one of the store’s claims to fame: They actually carried the legendary Bruceploitation classic The Dragon Lives Again, wherein “Bruce Lee” goes to the underworld and teams up with Popeye to fight mummies, skeletons, Dracula, the Exorcist, and James Bond (among others). Oh yeah, you read that right.

So that, combined with the various ads for it that I saw in Editorial Humor and various free weekly papers, firmly cemented Video Oasis in my mind as a place I had to visit in the future. I once recognized the store’s distinctive palm tree logo from the newspaper ads, looking at the store with longing as the car I was riding in quickly passed by.

It wasn’t until around 2005 or 2006 that I actually set foot inside the place. I had gotten lost in Cambridge while trying to find a movie theater I was supposed to pick up a prize I had won online from. Despite having walked for quite some time and started getting sore feet (along with a partial sunburn), I pressed on in the hopes that I only had a little more to go before reaching my destination. Instead, I found Video Oasis.

I was both happy and confused. Although I was glad to have an opportunity to actually visit the store, I could have sworn it was located in a different part of the state. The storefront certainly didn’t look like the one I remembered. But it didn’t matter if this was due to fuzzy memories or a change of location, I was finally there. Besides, I could probably ask for directions inside.

I was totally unprepared for what I found inside. It was actually bigger on the inside than it appeared outside. “Standalone, one story Best Buy” big. Rows upon rows of shelves (of the non 2×4 and cinder block variety) filled with DVDs or VHS (depending on what section of the store you were looking at). A barred door was chained shut in a corner, with a sign on it saying you had to ask someone up front to open it in order to inspect or purchase the vintage toys behind said door. “So that’s why they have a Shogun Warrior in one of the windows” I thought.

“Are you all right?”

The guy up front had taken noticed of my stunned expression. I had been so surprised by what I had just seen, I had frozen in place.

Embarrassed, I replied with something to the effect of “Oh…I was just surprised at how big it is in here. I’m just gonna look around now” and quickly darted down the nearest “Martial Arts” aisle. I walked around checking out all the cool covers and rarities until I worked up the nerve to ask for directions and more information about their rental and membership policies. It turned out that I had gone in the opposite direction of where I needed to be. I had to turn down the offer to sign up and take home a rental due to money issues, but vowed to return as soon as I had a steady supply of income.

But that time was further off than I thought and various issues (including an unplanned move) kept me from returning. By the time everything had calmed down and I was able to find the time to get there, Video Oasis had closed. If you maneuver around past the bus in this Google Map street view, you can even see the store’s signs and the darkened, Shogun Warrior-free windows.

As is the case when a loved one passes away, one has to work past the sadness and remember the good times. Although I’m sad to see it go, I’m still glad I had been able to visit at least once. It is also important to cherish those that are still with us and make every opportunity count. So if you’ve been thinking of renting certain movies from a certain store, do it now. They could close up tomorrow for all you know. Writing this also led me to discover that It’s All True/Channel Zero still exists in blog form. You’ve got to take the good with the bad.

Goodbye Video Oasis, you will be missed.

Tuesday uEtsy: Justin Erickson

In honor of the new Roky Erickson release coming out today, who better than Justin Erickson to kick off our inagural Tuesday uEtsy.

Etsy.com’s tagline is “Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade.” It’s a clean and simple way for the Internet to have a crafts fair. There’s a lot of creative people out there and they’re willing to sell you stuff at reasonable prices.

There’s a lot of spooky on Etsy. Most of it is reasonably priced for this economy. If you’re looking to spruce up your look, redecorate your tomb or get a gift for that special something in your afterlife, Etsy.com is a place for spooky econo.

Justin Erickson (www.justin-erickson.com) is a Toronto-based artist with a particular passion for the horror and the macabre. He’s a Sheridan graduate and he currently works as a Graphic Designer for Rue Mourge Magazine.

His Etsy Shop (http://www.etsy.com/shop/JustinErickson) has prints of his work for sale. Most cost just twenty bucks american (not counting shipping.) You have some spooky pin-up models, sincerely macabre pictures and a peanut-butter-chocolate series of combining Lucha Libre with Classic Monsters of Filmland.

If it’s la noche de el vampiro or you just feel like decorating your walls with some attractive ghouls, head on over and pick yourself up some from Justin Erickson.

PuppeTose Street Vol. 1 & 2

PuppeTose Street Vol. 1 & 2

Despite the name, PuppeTose Street isn’t a parody of Sesame Street, though both utilize puppets and seem to be about learning. But those taught by Fuller and Milo are not the lessons of Muppet-stock. Along with Gypsy Bitch, Louis Lackluster and the landlord, Buford T. Hick, the cast of PuppeTose street teach you a lesson or two with each episode.

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It’s Record Store Day!

We’ve already discussed the day twice now, so consider this your last RSD reminder for 2010. Now get out there and support your local indie record stores! Remember: Plenty of sales and freebies await you.

Happy Record Store Day!

Brother, can you spare a dime?

Maybe you saw this mentioned on an Attack of the Show segment recently but there’s a site called Kickstarter, where creative sorts can set up an account to help find funding for their projects. Transylvania TV, something I mentioned a while ago, has something set up for their Halloween Special. If you like their stuff, feel about floating twenty bucks their way or more. It’s like a pledge drive and you get something better than a Tote Bag.

If any of you readers of GdL set up your own Kickstarter, let us know. We’re all about passing the world along.

It Came From Amazon

Like many horror fans, I check out Amazon.com a lot: Looking for deals and new releases, doing research for future articles or just checking out old cover art to kill some time. More often than not, I’ll happen upon something that I hadn’t set out to look for, but still find interesting enough to squirrel away the link for future use. And, well, the future is now:

What’s the point of making an action figure based on the 1910 version of Frankenstein’s monster if you’re going to radically alter the look of the creature to the point it’s unrecognizable?

Jim Knipfel’s The Buzzing seems like a really odd novel. It’s got a human private eye whose last name is “Baragon” and despite references to Godzilla movies and other Toho productions being fictional, the Seatopians from Godzilla vs. Megalon are treated as if they exist within the book’s universe.

Someone made a kaiju themed hip hop group. Wow.

This is the greatest DVD cover ever made.

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This Is Just A Tribute

Glen Danzig, Doyle and Jerry Only don’t need to get back together.  If they ever do, I know five million people who will drive, fuck and/or kill for tickets for that Misfits reunion but at this point, those three (plus Robo) don’t need to get together.

What brought this up? I found youtube videos of not one but TWO (!) GWAR tribute bands – Wharghouls and The Heat Seeking Moisture Missiles. How much brass do you have to have to attempt making a GWAR tribute band, knowing that you need some resources to ever come close to the fantastic spectacle of the original act? I tip my hat to those two bands for coming together for a mutual love of GWAR and the music. These two bands have brass by the ton.

Tribute bands are a strange animal. When living in a tri-city area, there was a club that seemed to spend three nights a week hosting a tribute band.

BANDNAME: A TRIBUTE TO ORIGINAL BAND was always in the listing. BADFISH: A TRIBUTE TO SUBLIME. EARTH: A TRIBUTE TO BLACK SABBATH. DARK STAR ORCHESTRA: A TRIBUTE TO THE GRATEFUL DEAD. And fuck, how many KISS tributes are out there? If there’s any band other than GWAR that seemed un-tribute-able, I would have to say Motorhead. That’s just a bit too close to heresy for me but who knows?

I know Badfish has been around for years and there are some Beatle Tribute acts that rake in the dough. If you can put on a decent replicate of something that is no longer available (such as Badfish and the Beatles) then it makes sense that it would be lucrative.

And it also seems to make sense. Tribute bands are different than cover bands. Cover bands are just that – bands that play covers whereas tribute bands pay tribute to one specific act. They look like the act, act, play the music; it’s a close imitation, a tribute to the band. In doing that, it makes the music and the band in question (the one receiving tribute, not the actual tribute band) seem larger than life; the original members were needed to facilitate the music’s creation but after that, it was meant for the fans. This is a little artsty-fartsy thinking that borderlines on hippie shit (or, internet piracy.) There’s money involved, licensing and permissions. Ask any Frank Zappa tribute act about whether the Zappa Family Trust thinks the music is owned by the fans and they’ll wave their Cease And Desist orders in your face.

But it’s nice to think about it, on the fuckedupthinking level. Which brings me back to the Misfits – the Misfits don’t ever have to get back together because the spooky music scene is to me, in essence, one giant Misfits cover band.

Hell, if you play death rock, pyschobilly or spooky surf, aren’t you required to play a Misfits cover? If you see Black Pyramid, ask Gein to show you his tattoos of Glen Danzig. There’s the Crimson Ghosts, who play surf renditions of Misfits songs. Last Halloween, a band called TV Casualty played in Philly, featuring Ted Leo, Adam Goren members of Paint It Black/Franklin. There’s MisFats and MsFits. Misfits shit is sold en masse in HotTopics across the world. Misfits bands live from Japan to Europe and everywhere in between.

If I were to hear Glen sing ‘Horror Business’ again, it would be a pleasurable novelty but it’s 2010. ‘Cough/Cool’ is thirty-three years old and ‘Walk Among Us’ is turns twenty-eight this year. Seeing some horror band bust out a cover, no matter how twisted or bizarre it might be, will be more important to me. I wasn’t around for the original Misfits. There are people involved in spooky music who spent school lives and summers with the Misfits, who saw the original incarnations in person and boycotted the fake renditions that have come out since 1997. To them, the actual Misfits are important but to the countless others who came after 1984, it’s more the music than the musicians.

If Jerry and Glen were to settle the stupid shit between them and work out a tour in 2012, marking the 35th(!) anniversary of the Misfits, I hope that all those who saw those four boys from Jersey get a chance to see them play one more time. For those who weren’t there, the music has been around and will be around for those who come after us, played by bands paying tribute to the sounds that make their heads shake and bones rattle.

Or not. We all might be dead. Fuck it. Have a drink and be happy either way, ghouls.

Nixon and Hogan Smoke Christmas

They just got ho ho h0wned!

When the Nixon and Hogan Smoke Christmas screener came in the mail, I was psyched. The accompanying promotional material described a plot about two stoners’ Christmas wish for marijuana going horribly wrong when Santa accidentally brings some zombie weed instead. As if Santa turning into a zombie wasn’t bad enough, Nixon and Hogan have to juggle finishing Santa’s delivery route and keeping Sasparilla the Weed Witch from stealing Santa’s magic!

Further online research had told me the production company specialized in gory, over-the-top low budget horror comedies set in Strangeville. “Cool, so it’ll be like a Troma movie” I had thought. Perfect to watch with my brother and our visiting from out of state cousin (who loves Troma films), right?


I thought we were prepared. I thought we could handle it. I was very mistaken…

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My Own Easter Egg

A couple days late, but still smelling fresh, I have found that Troma has a Hulu Channel. (Was this covered here on GdL before? How long have I been out?)

You’ve got all the Toxic Avenger movies, Killer Condom, Cannibal! The musical and Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell (as well as some others.)

Easter Egg Hunt

Although the term “Easter Egg” can refer to something hidden in anything from a computer program to a web browser, horror fans generally think of hidden surprises on DVDs when they hear the term. Since it wouldn’t be much of a hunt if we just listed how to find hidden features on certain horror DVDs, we’ve opted to set up a link to help you search for “Easter Eggs” in the depths of alt.horror.

Also, we’ve hidden some articles that discuss certain Easter Eggs amongst the following:



Happy 4th of July!

Happy Father’s Day!
El Día de los Muertos
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Happy Birthday Godzilla!

News ‘n Reviews:

Cat in the Brain
Lost and found
Old news and new news
Is this the end of civilization as we know it?

Happy Easter!

Don’t Forget…

Voting for the Rondo Awards ends tonight at midnight!

Zero Punctuation Attacks “The Darkness”

but with humor, not a magic missile.

But what is Zero Punctuation? Back in July 2007, Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw embarked on an (as he put it) “experiment” to see if he could make a video game review on Youtube using only audio and images (mostly still, some animated). The subject of the review was the Playstation 3 demo for the horror-themed video game The Darkness (based on the Top Cow book of the same name). So, direct from his Youtube channel, here’s the hilarious and NSFW review:

Happily, the experiment was a success and Yahtzee was later approached by the online gaming magazine The Escapist to feature further installments there. Its success also led to the creation of his own humor website, Fully Ramblomatic. Check ’em both out!

Rock The Rondos

Did you vote in the Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards yet? Remember, the deadline is April 3rd 2010!

Some of you may be asking: What are the Rondo Awards and who is Rondon Hatton?

Well, it’s like this: The awards themselves were originally started in 2002 by Kerry Gammill and David Colton at the Classic Horror Film Board. Said awards are a reference to horror actor Rondo Hatton and, to quote the Wikipedia entry:

“The award is designed to recognize research, scholarship and creativity in keeping classic horror, science fiction and fantasy alive and thriving.”

Gravedigger’s Local 16 didn’t get on the ballot this year, presumably since we missed the nomination period. But there’s still a lot of other cool people and cool stuff to vote on, so don’t let our absence stop you. We’re gunning for getting nominated and winning next year, but you can do a write-in this year if you really want to. Just keep in mind that doing so will probably only get us noticed rather than winning anything. No matter what, you should head to the Rondo Awards site and vote now!

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