October 10, 2010 archive

2010 Contest Page Update – LAST WEEK!

This Saturday is the deadline for the 2010 Halloween Contest here at Gravediggers Local 16. We’ve been caught up in getting ready for the holiday that we’ve missed a prize announcement (or two.) We apologize, and figure today and tomorrow should be the best time to announce the final two additions to our grand prize …

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From Shock Theater to Svengoolie

Chicago TV Horror Movie Shows: From Shock Theater to Svengoolie By Ted Okuda and Mark Yurkiw I like Chicago. It’s a nice place that has developed its own style – CHICAGO STYLE – and attitudes. A lot of great music has come out of that city, along with great comedy and in this case, great …

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The Onion News Network: Halloween Edition

Although I’m more partial to its AV Club spin-off, I do enjoy the occasional Youtube video by The Onion every now and again. Don’t let the quality of The Onion Movie fool you, the writers are capable of some hilarious stuff when they don’t need to fill out a feature film’s running time. So when …

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