Tag: Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween

From all of us here at Gravediggers Local 16, we wish you a safe and happy Halloween.

Burn: Out and Up.

I need to find an official ‘Gravediggers Local 16 Halloween Countdown Trophy’ and mail it to Weird Jon for this is the third consecutive year in a row that he’s maintained a straight countdown OR lasted longer than I have. The man is a machine. I wouldn’t say I burn out easily but that the …

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Had a wife. Couldn’t feed her.

When I think to myself “I better go down to the basement. I have two that I need to take the knives to, today,” I realize it’s thoughts like those are why I wouldn’t be a good schoolteacher, but a great one.

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The Trail of Terror

Photos by Jonathan Matthews, jon (at) krative.com. Located in Wallingford, Connecticut, The Trail of Terror (www.TrailofTerror.com) celebrates its 16th year of operation in 2010. Thankfully, haunt expert Bertram Bertram invited me to come visit and partake of the Trail’s spookiness. This year celebrates ‘Sweet 16,’ marking the anniversary of the Central Valley Hospital massacre that saw …

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Rest Up

We’re one week from Halloween. Yeah, vampires, anime and the Groovie Ghoulies. Kind of a hodgepodge of medi-core but it’s Sunday. 

The 2010 Halloween Contest Winners!

It was a pretty good first contest, here at Gravediggers Local 16. Before we go any further, we want to extend our gratitude to all of those who entered. A contest without entries is the saddest pumpkin on the block. You took time out of your day to craft together some effort – could have …

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Women are scary, too.

Jason. Freddy. Leatherface. Pinhead. Where are the women? Technically, it was Mrs. Voorhees who did all the killing in the first ‘Friday,’ but where are the iconic female monsters to compete with the males? I haven’t seen all the horror movies out there and my memory can be dim as a jack o’lantern’s candle in …

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Memphis Morticians

We talked about Memphis Morticians back when Von Erickson’s work was featured in a Tuesday uEtsy (which I’m told are on vacation for October as we do the daily countdown.) Being that it’s Psychobilly Wednesday, what better band to feature than the Memphis Morticians? I saw them place down in Stanford a few years ago …

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You’re no better than Puppetose Street

Longtime readers of the site know it’s no secret that that we love puppets. Especially the inventive use of a low budget and twisted humor from the warped world of Puppetose. Given the Halloween season, I thought it would be good to share one of my favorite episodes of PuppeTose Street, wherein the gang visits …

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The Onion News Network: Halloween Edition

Although I’m more partial to its AV Club spin-off, I do enjoy the occasional Youtube video by The Onion every now and again. Don’t let the quality of The Onion Movie fool you, the writers are capable of some hilarious stuff when they don’t need to fill out a feature film’s running time. So when …

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Our apologies for not getting back to http://www.countdowntohalloween.com/ to get listed in the directory for the 2010 Countdown to Halloween. Paperwork has kept us from making the right connections. Luckily, many others have signed up to the Countdown and here are a few you should check out. Weird Hollow highlights Stan Lee’s Monsters To Laugh With, showing …

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Additional: derf city

derf city has a lengthy Ghoulardi comic. You can read the rest of it here. Highly recommended, for both the artwork and the story.


Not Hugh Laurie Writing will be the death of you. Personally, I saw this when I tried to finish the 4th Friday the 13th ‘Strange Trip,’ which remains unfinished on my computer until the day comes when I can pick up where I left off. Something about either that movie or the regiment drained me. …

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Misfits – Come Back

In preparation for the 2010 Halloween Countdown and the season overall, I (like previous years) started listening to horror punk and rock sometime around mid-September. This usually burns me out two weeks into October but I think this year might be different. There’s something special in the air, outside of the saturation due to coastal …

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2010 Contest Page Update

We’re almost three weeks away from the deadline (October 16th, 2010) for our Gravediggers Local 16 2010 Halloween Contest. We’ve already received some incredible entries so far! And we’re accepting entries until One minute until Midnight (11:59pm EST) on October 16th. Remember, you can send three (3) limericks and one (1) artistic expression.  Remember, every …

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2010 Contest Page

CLICK HERE for the Gravediggers Local 16 2010 Halloween Contest. We are officially within the countdown to the October 16th deadline for the 2010 Halloween Contest here at the Local. That’s a long sentence, but it sums everything up: submit your three (3) limericks and/or one (1) artful expression demonstrating the theme of this year’s …

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