June 2012 archive

Orgy of the Living Dead

and starring A. Zombie as Sir Not in This Triple Bill

Back when I was putting together material for Zombie Awareness Month 2012, I had originally been planning on sharing a 1972 trailer for a horror triple bill called “Orgy of the Living Dead,” which you can see below courtesy of one tommytoploader: So why did I choose to hold onto it until now? Because there’s …

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The Dead Want Women

I just noticed the file name can be read as "The Dead Want Two Men"...

The year is 1927. Silent film starlet Rose Pettigrew is celebrating the completion of her latest film. During a celebratory orgy with some of her closest celebrity friends, she gets the news that talkies are taking over and her voice has gotten her bounced from all the studios. Instead of doing the smart thing and …

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6’+ Episode 33 is up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “The second half of our showcase on the best of 2012 (so far-ther.) This time around, we have Demented Are Go!, the Avery Wolves, Dead Man’s Curse, Prelude To A Nightmare, Death Ray Cats and more. Monstermatt Patterson hits you dead-on with the Monstermatt Minute and Dr. …

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Great Classic Ghost Stories

The term “ghost story” can have many meanings. The most obvious one is a scary story specifically about one or more ghosts, while others might use it to describe any scary story. Some might even go as far as to label any tale involving a ghost as a “ghost story,” even if the story isn’t …

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Even More Free Horror Movie Commentaries

It figures. Almost immediately after I posted “More Free Horror Movie Commentaries,” I kept finding more and more free downloadable commentaries. So much so that I’ve decided to do another article on the matter. Although I linked to two commentaries from Icons of Fright in my first article on the subject, I still thought I …

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Tuesday uEtsy: Zombie Fried Tees

[For those who are searching for unique horror items, one can’t beat Etsy.com. Each Tuesday, Gravedigger’s Local 16 aims to highlight one seller. If you’re looking to spruce up your look, redecorate your sanctorum or get a gift for that special something in your life, Etsy.com is your place for spooky econo.] Zombie Fried Tees …

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Music to Game By II

Since Free RPG Day has me in a gaming sort of mood, I have decided to revisit the idea of reusing the albums from the previous year’s “Music to Haunt By” review series to use during RPG sessions. For those new to this series, I’ll explain: Each of the synopses below are edited down and …

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Horror Host Bloopers

I found this while searching for a video featuring some obscure horror host falling out of his coffin after one of the sawhorses holding it up gave way. I have to admit, it’s probably better that I failed to find it, as this selection from a 1985 episode of Bloopers and Practical Jokes features bigger …

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Tuesday uEtsy: Szeya Designs

[For those who are searching for unique horror items, one can’t beat Etsy.com. Each Tuesday, Gravedigger’s Local 16 aims to highlight one seller. If you’re looking to spruce up your look, redecorate your sanctorum or get a gift for that special something in your life, Etsy.com is your place for spooky econo.] Szeya Designs http://www.etsy.com/shop/Szeya …

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Japanese Sci-Fi A to Z

[In 1995, Christopher Elam started a Japanese monster movie fanzine called Owari (which means “The End”). While the focus grew broader as the years went on, he never lost his fondness for the genre. Today Owari exists as his blog, where today’s article originally appeared there! So why are we posting it? If you can’t …

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It’s Free RPG Day!

Yay, verily!

Yes, today is the day when gaming stores all over the US (and other countries) are giving away free RPG adventures and other useful role-playing items. In fact, you can find out what retailers in your area are participating by visiting the official Free RPG Day website. As was the case last year, we’re offering …

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6′+ Episode 32 is up!

To quote the description given at the new listing: “Six months in and we’re overwhelmed by all the incredible music that has come out. Here’s a sampling of what we’ve got so far, with music from Calabrese, The Surf Zombies, Alucard, The Vooduo, The Bloodtypes, The Madeira and more! Plus, Monstermatt Patterson drops by and …

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Tuesday uEtsy: Zombie Bride

[For those who are searching for unique horror items, one can’t beat Etsy.com. Each Tuesday, Gravedigger’s Local 16 aims to highlight one seller. If you’re looking to spruce up your look, redecorate your sanctorum or get a gift for that special something in your life, Etsy.com is your place for spooky econo.] Zombie Bride UK …

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6’+ Hotline

A reminder – you have until midnight (00:00 am (est) ) on Wednesday to call in and leave a message on the 6’+ Hotline. If you leave your message, you’re likely to win something (if not a GdL16 button, something else we have kicking around here at the Front Office.) Answer one of the questions …

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Free RPG Day Is Coming!

That’s right, Free RPG Day is just around the corner. The 6th annual installment is scheduled for June 16 and we highly recommend that you consider getting involved, whether you’re already a gamer or are interested in just trying things out to see if gaming would be your thing. There’s plenty of stuff to appeal …

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Zombie Hunter: Season Two

I like independent horror. Being slightly mental (in more ways than one) I need only a semi-good story and some decent sound and BAM! I’m having a good time. ZOMBIE HUNTER is an independently produced series from Deadman Productions. Season One can be found online at YouTube (and available for purchase on DVD.) Season Two …

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